Dedicated YouTube channel for Languages Subject Advisor | Pearson qualifications

Dedicated YouTube channel for Languages Subject Advisor

28 May 2020

A YouTube channel has been set up recently with recordings of key Language Subject Advisor briefings all in one place.

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Have you subscribed yet to my dedicated YouTube Subject Advisor channel for Pearson Languages?

Recordings of a range of key briefings are now conveniently all in one place and are produced as voiced-over slides presentations. Some of these are pre-recorded but others have been recorded during a 'live' session with delegates in attendance.

Most recent uploads to the channel include a briefing that highlighted the support available for 'GCSE centre assessment grading' and a recording of 'Top tips for the GCSE speaking test' will soon be added.

Other Languages Subject Advisor briefings available include:

  • Lessons learnt: IAL French, German & Spanish
  • Support for the 9-1 GCSE speaking test (2017 specifications)
  • Lessons learnt: 9-1 GCSE speaking tests
  • Conducting the 9-1 International GCSE speaking tests
  • Revised 9-1 GCSE speaking test randomisation grids
  • An introduction to the latest GCSEs in Gujarati, Persian, Portuguese & Turkish
  • GCSE Gujarati - Support for the speaking test


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