Entry deadlines for Summer 2018
This update contains details of the entry deadlines for the Summer 2018 series.
Summer 2018 entry deadline for AS, A level and GCSE
It is now possible to make entries for the summer 2018 examination series. The deadline for making entries for the summer series is 21 February 2018 for AS, A level and GCSE. The entries deadline for international centres is 21 March 2018.
After these dates late fees may be charged. Please note that your exams officer will usually impose earlier internal deadlines in order to allow sufficient time to process all the entries from your centre.
GCSE tier of entry indications (French, German and Spanish)
Tier of entry indications from centres must be made as part of the entries submission process. Please note that although tier of entry decisions for each candidate must be made by the entries deadline date given above, it will be possble to amend these up to 21 April, 2018 without incurring an amendment fee.
You are reminded that these latest GCSE qualifications now require candidates to be entered at either Foundation or Higher tier across the full qualification. Students can no longer be entered at one tier for one paper and at a different tier for another.
Foundation tier papers will be produced that can reward candidates' performances from grades 1-5 and higher tier papers are designed to accommodate grades 4-9.
New entry and option codes for Summer 2018
Please remember that there are new entry codes for subjects with first assessment in Summer 2018. A number of the new qualifications have specific entry options which indicate the particular components that candidates will take. Examples of this include 'A' and 'B' options for some A levels where there is a choice of either teacher-conducted orals (A) or Visiting Examiner-conducted orals (B).
There are now 'C' and 'M' codes for the new Chinese AS qualifications that apply to candidates seeking the listening and speaking assessments in either Cantonese or Mandarin.