September Art, Design and Media Update | Pearson qualifications

Art, Design and Media September update

4 September 2023

Welcome to the September update from your Subject Advisor.  

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Welcome back to the new school year! I hope you have had the lovely, restful break you all deserve and that you are starting back fresh and ready to tackle a new year.  Your students are so lucky to have such passionate educators and I hope you were able to celebrate their successes this summer.

For those of you I have not yet met, I would like to introduce myself as the new Subject Advisor for Art, Design and Media. I joined Pearson this summer after 17 years of teaching and leading creative subjects in the UK and I am a strong advocate for the arts and media in education. I am looking forward to working with you and supporting your centres this year as we continue to develop and improve our qualifications for the benefit of learners and educators. 

Now for some key updates in Art, Design and Media to help you prepare for the new school year. This September update includes:


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  Results Day Support

Post-Results Services

If you are a centre that is concerned about results, you can use our post-results services.

Find out more about post-results services

Review of Marking (Service 2)

This service is for components that are externally assessed, such as A Level History of Art, Inernational GCSE Art and Design, BTEC Level 3 Nationals, etc.

If using this service, your centre requests a review for specified individuals. Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same but will not affect other candidate grades. 

Review of Moderation (Service 3)

This service is for components that are internally assessed and externally moderated, such as A Level and GCSE Art and Design, BTEC Level 2 Tech Awards (2022), etc.

If using this service, your centre requests a review for the entire cohort. Any mark changes may impact all candidates completing this component at the centre in the current exam session. Candidates’ uniform mark scores (UMS) can up, down or stay the same but grades will not be lowered for the current exam session. 

This means that if a candidate’s mark is lowered their grade won’t change as a result of a review of moderation (Service 3) in this exam session. However their new mark will be used to calculate any future overall grades that require this component e.g. if they resit the qualification and transfer the internal component across at the lower marks.

Find out more about Review of Moderation for Art and Design


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  A Level and GCSE Updates

Planning for September

There are a wide range of support materials available on the GCSE and A Level course materials pages that can help guide you through planning, delivery and assessment. 

Support Videos

Check out our new series of bitesize videos for A Level and GCSE Art and Design to help you understand your centre moderation reports as well as evidence and assess the Assessment Objectives this year.

To access your Centre Moderation report, log into Edexcel Online and select the relevant qualification (GCE or GCSE). You can then select 'Results' > 'Moderator Reports' and the relevant series, which will generate the report in your Edexcel Online mailbox.

Please note, International GCSE Art and Design does not receive a centre moderation report because it is externally assessed. Centre moderation reports are for qualifications that are internally assessed and externally moderated.

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Principal Examiner Reports

You can find the Principal Examiner reports in he 'Exams Materials' category under the drop-down menu for the relevant year. 

This report discusses the quality of work submitted in the series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials.

Face-to-Face and Online Training

We are very pleased to announce the dates for our face-to-face and online coursework marking training events next academic year! In our face-to-face sessions teachers will have the opportunity to mark actual Component 1 and Component 2 portfolios across a range of titles and levels from the most recent exam series, with senior members of the examining team guiding them through assessment decisions. GCSE events will take place in London, Birmingham and York, whilst A level events will take place in London and York. 

We are also launching a series of network events to meet with relevant experts and discuss questions and ideas for our qualifications.

Find out more information and book your place


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  BTEC Updates

Planning for September

There are a wide range of support materials available on the BTEC course materials pages that can help guide you through planning, delivery and assessment.

Select the qualification below to navigate to the course materials page. If your course is not listed, you can access the course materials at the top of the qualification page.

Principal Examiner Reports

For the BTEC Nationals (2016), you can find the Principal Examiner reports in the 'External Assessments' category under the drop-down menu for the relevant year.

This report discusses the quality of work submitted for the series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for the future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials.

Principal Moderator Reports

For the BTEC Tech Awards (2022), you can find the Principal Moderator reports in the 'Internal Assessments' category under the 'Principal Examiner Report' drop-down menu.

This report discusses the quality of work submitted in the series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials.

BTEC Tech Awards (2022)

As we finish the first year of the new Tech Awards, I want to say thank you for all your hard work and resilience. We have taken on your feedback and will continue to improve our support next school year. Make sure you also check out the course materials for these qualifications above - a lot of you have fedback how helpful and supportive these resources are, so thank you!

Please note, the legacy Tech Awards are now closed, with final certification this summer.

To help you deliver the new Tech Award qualifications, we have created fantastic published resources for our new BTEC Tech Awards to help with planning, teaching and assessment.  


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Overview of Assessment Availability - BTEC Tech Awards in Art and Design Practice (2022) 

BTEC Tech Awards in Art and Design Practice (2022)

Overview of Assessment Availability - BTEC Tech Awards in Creative Media Production (2022) 

BTEC Tech Awards in Creative Media Production (2022)

BTEC Higher Nationals

We have launched our new BTEC Higher Nationals qualifications for Art, Design and Media in September 2023 alongside our existing qualifications. Our aim is to give you more flexibility and scope when designing your curriculum so we hope you enjoy our new titles.

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  Training Available

Live Training

Art, Design and Media courses will continue to be updated on the live training page for autumn term. We already have several courses on offer for next school year so you can book now and get the date in your calendar.

Find and book live training

Recorded Training

If you are unable to find a course you can attend live, we have a range of pre-recorded training courses available to help you. They can be watched at a time that suits you, shared with colleagues and revisited when needed.

Find and watch recorded training

BTEC Training

Our BTEC support page includes bite-sized videos, links to free online events, useful centre guides and documents as well as additional support.

Explore BTEC training and support


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  Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic Art, Design and Media experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, I have included a range of external resources that you may find invaluable to your own promotion of Art, Design and Media.


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Art Now Inquiry

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Art, Craft and Design in Education (APPG) has published the Art Now Inquiry, a timely evidence-and-recommendation-filled report. This report is a must read for understanding the state of art education now and seeks to identify why – increasingly – policies in education are impacting on the provision of our subject. 

Read the Art Now Inquiry


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Art and Design Research Review

The Victoria and Albert museum welcomed guests from the world of art education to launch their Art and Design Research Review. You can listen to some of the discussions, questions and answers about the review.

Listen to and read the Art and Design Research Review launch


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Why study art?

Find out why art education is important from artists, young people and major cultural figures.

Why study art?


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The Arts in Schools: Foundations for the Future

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and A New Direction published The Arts in Schools: Foundations for the Future' report, calling on policymakers to ascribe greater value to the role of the arts as part of a rethink of the state education sector.

Read the Arts in Schools report

  2023-2024 Dates

Key Dates for 2023-2024

Key dates have been confirmed for the 2023-2024 school year. Follow this link for more information. 
Key Dates 2023-2024

Exams Timetables

Exams timetables have been confirmed for the 2023-2024 school year. Follow this link for more information. 
Exams timetables

BTEC Tech Awards (2022)

The 2023-2024 Tech Awards (2022) dates have been published in this comprehensive document. 
BTEC Tech Awards (2022) Key Dates 2023-2024


Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me using the contact details below. 


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