We’d like to offer a warm welcome to all new exams officers and look forward to working with you. You'll find this website is full of useful resources and support, the most relevant of which we've compiled into this page to ensure a smooth transition into your new role.

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Change of exams officer form

If you the exams officer at your centre is changing, you’ll need to let us know. Ideally, you should notify us when your current exams officer is still in post using our online exams officer change of detail form. 

Complete the exams officer change of details form

New exams officers

If you’re a brand-new exams officer and you don’t have Edexcel Online access to complete a change of exams officer form, contact us and we can help. We’ll send you a form to complete to get you started and set up on Edexcel Online.

Contact us

New exams officer training

Once you have your Edexcel Online access, you’ll receive an invitation to the Pearson Development Hub. This is where you can access bitesize, on-demand modules based on your experience and the qualifications you deliver in your college or school. 

Explore our exams officer training

You can also join us for our monthly exams officer webinar, taking you through the latest news, updates and upcoming tasks. 

Book on to our next webinar

Support articles

Our support articles are designed to help you at every stage of the year, whether you want quick answers, detailed information, step-by-step guides, videos, or general advice on our administration systems and processes. Our library of articles provides dedicated support whenever you need it. 

Explore our support articles on the Pearson support portal

To help you navigate the academic year smoothly, we've put together a seasonal support article with all the essential information you'll need to get off to a great start. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Exams officer support: essential information for the new academic year