BTEC International Level 2

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BTEC International Level 2 offers learners aged 14 and above the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for a career or continue in further education.
The demand for workforce skills is increasing and the need for global certification in technical and vocational areas is growing. BTEC qualifications are uniquely placed to respond to these skills gaps by providing practical skills assessment and up to date career-focused education in traditional and emerging sectors.
Why BTEC International Level 2?
- Available in a range of sectors for learners who wish to explore a work-related qualification or specific industry area
- Offers learners industry knowledge, transferable skills and behaviours to prepare them for a career or to continue education
- Flexible and modular course structure to fit in with existing curriculum requirements
- Delivered at schools and colleges in 50 countries
- Available in 3 or 4 sizes:
- Award
- Certificate
- Extended Certificate
- Diploma

Applied Science

Art and Design



Creative Media Production



Health and Social Care

Hospitality resources
Engineering resources
Thinking about introducing BTEC to your curriculum or offering more BTEC courses in your centre for your learners?
Explore our Level 2 subjects and discover our full qualification suite with our A-Z finder. Find out how to become an approved centre and learn more about the BTEC delivery cycle.
Interested in teaching BTEC International Level 2 qualifications?