T Levels October 2022 Update

Qualification news | 11 October 2022

Welcome to October’s T Level E-Bulletin. We send bulletins monthly to all those who have signed up, however, we are aware some tutors and staff have not yet done so, could you please encourage all those engaged in the delivery and administration of T Levels to sign up here:

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Pearson delivered EO/Administration training on 29th September, for those of you who missed it a recording of the session can be found on our Provider page.

Providers are now able to make student registrations onto the Technical Qualification for cohorts commencing this academic year.

The standard registration window will close on 01 November, with late registrations starting on 02 November. A support video on how to make registrations and manage student details can be found on our Provider page.

We would like to remind providers of the importance of submitting complete and accurate Unique Learner Numbers (ULNs) for each individual student at the point of registration. The ULN is essential to how data is managed to ensure timely and accurate submissions. Where inaccurate ULNs are submitted this could result in a delay to us processing your student registration.

Entries for the Core Component Assessments for the November 2022 Series are now open. A support video on how to make entries can be found on our Provider page.

Please remember, you must make an entry for every student wishing to enter the assessment.

Providers wishing to make entries for re-sits please ensure you are familiar with the re-sit rules. These can be found in the TQ Specification, or use our support video on ‘assessment, results and re-sits'.

Entries for the Occupational Specialism Assessment for the Summer 2023 Series are now open.

Please remember, you must make an entry for every student wishing to enter the assessment.

Please note, the standard entry window was 01 September – 05 October 2022. Therefore, we are now in the late entry period, which commenced on 06 October 2022.

Please refer to the Key Dates Schedule for all entry dates.

Centre support and Networking: Please note that the next T Level Construction Network Event is 11 October and can be booked here:

Network event: T Level in Construction

These sessions are mainly held for your benefit, to receive updates and network together, sharing best practice, which has proved valuable for new centres when speaking to centres who delivered from 2020. You can also join the following groups: Construction group and T level: Construction to ask specific queries and get notified of updates.

The next networking event for Digital is 12 October 4:00pm - 5:00pm and can be booked here:

Network event: T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development

We will give an update on the recent series and look forward to the assessments and teaching for the new 2022 specification. If you have anything you want covered or any questions then please ask in the Facebook Group or via the subject advisor.

Q&A Network: The next Legal, Finance and Accounting network session is 19th October 4-5PM and can be booked here:

Network event: T Level in Accounting, Finance and Legal Services

This will include a welcome to those starting Finance and Accounting this term and an update on the Legal Services development.

Draft materials are being reviewed and will be uploaded to the website in September. These materials will focus on supporting the teaching and learning of key competencies which are present within the occupational specialisms, namely data analysis; communication (written and verbal for different audiences) and report writing.

Feedback will be sought from providers and next steps agreed as to whether additional support materials should be commissioned.

We are currently working in the latter stages of the qualification design and approval process. We hope to be able to share final specifications and specimen assessment materials in early 2023.  We will provide updates in webinars prior to that and have support available once approval is gained.

Pearson will be hosting a second Legal Services session for those interested in delivering this T Level. This will walk you through what the draft content and assessments currently look like with an aim to help you plan your student recruitment this term. The session will take place within our Q&A Network for LFA on: 19th October 4-5PM

Our first webinar was held last June, if you missed it, you can listen again via our Provider Page


Q&A Network Sessions

Half termly Q&A network sessions with the Sector Manager and Subject Advisor that give you the opportunity to ask questions, discuss your experience delivering the T Level and share good practice.



Accounting and Finance: 

Getting to Know the Specification

These on-demand briefings help you get to know the specification and are available via our Provider Page.

Generic Introduction: Includes where to locate the specification, a high-level overview of the contents, and key areas to pay attention to.

Core: A high-level overview of the Core Component and its assessments, how to read the specification, the high-level content of the exams, and how the tasks for the ESP are structured.

Occupational Specialist Component: A high-level overview of the Occupational Specialist Component and assessment, how to read the specification, and how the tasks for the OS project are structured.

Getting Ready to Teach

There is an expectation that delegates will have watched the ‘Getting to know the specification’ briefing prior to attending this event, so an overview of the TQ structure and specification will not be covered.

These live sessions provide you with an opportunity to interact with the presenter, who will take you through:

  1. Planning your programme
  2. Reviewing elements of the content and practical ways it can be delivered
  3. Signposting the ongoing support available to you.


Getting Ready to Teach the T Level in Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction (Occupational Specialism)



Getting Ready to Teach the T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development (Occupational Specialism)


Accounting and Finance:

Getting Ready to Teach the T Levels in Accounting and Finance (Core Content)

13 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Getting Ready to Teach the T Level in Accounting (Occupational Specialism)

19 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Getting Ready to Teach the T Level in Finance (Occupational Specialism)

20 October, 16:00 – 17:30[SH1] [MC2] [MC3]

If you are unable to attend any of our live session or want to listen again: 


Find our recorded archive for all our live sessions on our Provider Page

After each assessment series will release the past paper. These are available in the Course Materials page for each Technical Qualification.

Pearson will be utilising our ResultsPlus platform to support the T Level Core Examinations. ResultsPlus is a free online results analysis tool for teachers that gives a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance.

Core Examination results will be available on ResultsPlus on student results day, enabling you to access and review student marks in more detail.

For more information, visit our ResultsPlus page

Do not forget, if you need to contact us about T Levels you can do so by the Pearson Support Portal. The portal is an online tool you can use to raise your query and track its progress. We will inform you once a member of the team has a reply for you.

Go to the Pearson Support Portal

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