Pearson Edexcel GCSEs Mathematics (9–1) from 2015 Switch to Pearson

As the UK’s number 1 GCSE Maths exam board we’ve worked with teachers to provide the most straightforward switch experience, saving you time and giving you the confidence to get started with us straight away.
Why Switch to Pearson Edexcel GCSE Maths?
Know what to expect
Since our accessibility review in 2018, our paper structure has remained consistent throughout the years. This means that by using any of our practice materials, your students can know what to expect on exam day.
What accessibility changes did we make?

A pathway for all learners
We support every learner no matter where they are on their maths learning journey. Our Maths, Statistics and L2 Extended Maths qualifications are written with the same consistency and familiarity that allows teachers to easily add them to their curriculum.

Save time
All our support for Pearson Edexcel GCSE Maths can help you save time, so you can focus more on teaching. Use the thousands of free resources on the Maths Emporium or our 2-year, 3-year or 5-year interactive scheme of work to cut down your prep time!

Teaching and practice made easy
We provide both specialists and non-specialists with the tools they need to teach our qualifications. This includes free teaching and learning course materials, as well as free CPD sessions on key areas of the curriculum.

Credible specialist support
Our subject advisors and maths specialists have in-depth knowledge of the subject and understand what teachers want from a qualification. They are available via 1 to 1 bookings to help answer any queries you may have, just email them at

Post series support
We provide a detailed breakdown of the grade boundaries of each series with item level data and insights available via Results Plus, helping you to understand your students' performance.

It’s easy to switch!
You make the decision; we’ll do the work for you. With the help of our dedicated Maths subject team, we’ll take the pain out of switching to a new qualification and give you the confidence – and tools - to get started with us straight away. Offering 1:1 training and advice, and regular support throughout the year on our Qualifications website, the Maths Emporium and our PD Academy, we’ll ensure that you have everything you need for a seamless transition.
Got over 100 students? Switch up!
Our SwitchUp package will provide you with unrivalled support to make the move to our Maths GCSE. Combining dedicated support, a complete assessment offer and high-quality training, we’ll help you and your students get the most out of our qualifications.
* All centres must be switching from another awarding body to be eligible for the SwitchUp offer. One-to-one training and mocks service offer available for switching centres with cohorts of 100 candidates and over. Centres with below 100 candidates will be fully supported by their dedicated Pearson support contact.
Ready to switch or want to know more?
Fill out this quick form and a member of the team will get back to you on the best option for you and your students.