BTEC Higher Nationals Meeting local needs

What is Meeting Local Needs (MLN)?
Meeting Local Needs (MLN) provides a route for centres to tailor their Higher National programme to address specific needs that are not met by the units included within the qualification.
This may be to meet the requirements of a local employer and their needs for an apprenticeship. Or, it may to address local employment needs; where there is a particular need for knowledge or skill that is included in a different qualification. Whatever the reason for considering the import of units for MLN, there is a need to ensure that the programme remains coherent and maintains the standard and reflects the vocational purpose of the qualification.
What units can I import?
Centres are able to import units from any qualification that is within the same framework and at the same level. This means that you can only import units from an RQF qualification into an RQF qualification. In addition, you can only import Level 4 units into a Higher National Certificate (HNC) or the Level 4 part of a Higher National Diploma (HND). Similarly, you may only import Level 5 units in the Level 5 part of an HND.
How many units can I import?
Rules for importing units are based on credit value rather than quantity.
The number of credits that can be imported into a qualification will vary; depending on the number of mandatory units within the qualification. Generally speaking the rules of import are:
- Higher National Certificate: 30 credits
- Higher National Diploma: 30 credits at Level 4, 30 credits at Level 5
Please consult the Programme Specification for your qualification for the detailed information about how many credits may imported. Note that some qualifications will have different credit import rules for different pathways.
When can I submit my MLN request?
Typically, MLN requests should be submitted prior to 31 January within the academic year in which the units will be assessed. MLN requests received prior to 31 January will be processed without fee. Requests received after 31 January (or related to a previous academic year) will be subject to a £500 processing fee.
Ready to submit MLN request?
There are detailed instructions on how to complete this form, in the guidance document, below.