BTEC Higher Nationals Recruiting students

We have created a toolkit of templates, a video and a guide to support you with student recruitment. You will find a selection of digital and print assets that are available to use within your institution. Some of our subjects also have their own assets on HN Global.
Toolkit to support student recruitment
Competition and Markets Authority rules
Your responsibilities with regards to consumer protection law as an HE provider are set out in the following guidance.
CMA guidance (references in brackets below)
You have a responsibility to offer prospective students clear, intelligible, unambiguous and timely material information regarding the programme of study for which they apply. This would include:
- core modules for the course and an indication of likely optional modules, including whether there are any optional modules that are generally provided each year (4.10 a iii)
- the release of the RQF BTEC Higher National programmes, which have replaced the QCF BTEC Higher National programmes, will require you to update your communications with prospective students regarding the above. In so doing you should highlight the changes from your previous information so that the applicant is fully appraised of all changes. (4.2.1)
Any questions?
If you have any questions regarding any of the assets, please contact us on
Promoting BTEC Higher Nationals
Please feel free to use this video to promote BTEC Higher National qualifications. You can also share our Student Guide with your prospective learners for further information.