T Levels June 2024 update

Qualification news | Thu Jun 27 14:24:00 UTC 2024

Welcome to June's T Level update.

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The approval window for Providers commencing delivery in September 2024 closes on 30 June. You must gain approval for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.

Please watch our provider approval video before starting your application process.

You can find support documents and approval forms on our training and admin support page.

If you have any questions about provider approval, please contact us via the Pearson support portal.

As part of our responsibility for delivering the Technical Qualification, we issue results for the Core component (the Core exams and Employer Set Project) and the Occupational Specialism.

We will send component results to exams officers’ Edexcel Online mailboxes on 14 August 2024. These will consist of Statements of Results (one PDF per student) and a broadsheet of results for all students at the centre across all Technical Qualification components. The release of these component results to students is embargoed until 15 August 2024.

Pearson will transfer all component results to the DfE, who are responsible for:

  • aggregating and issuing the overall T Level result via their Manage T-Level Results Service, including results from the two Technical Qualification components and the completion of the industry placement
  • issuing T Level certificates and statements of achievement
  • reporting T Level grades to UCAS.

For more information on these areas, explore the DfE’s T Levels support for schools and colleges or contact DfE directly.

If you have queries specifically relating to the Manage T Level Results Service, please contact tlevel.resultsandcertification@education.gov.uk.

The 2024 specification is now available on the website, applicable to learners starting in the 2024/25 academic year.

Download the 2024 specification

We continue to collaborate with the Gatsby Foundation on new resources for our T Levels. They are creating a mix of digital resources such as video and more conventional worksheets for three core topics, which we hope will be available soon: Maths, Modern Methods of Construction, and Law.

Remember, CITB offers grants to employers who take on T Level students in industry placements. Please share this with your employers and encourage them to apply.

Read more about CITB’s Into Work grant

The Hazardous Materials Occupational Specialism will be replaced with a new ‘Construction Management’ specialism from 2026. In preparation for writing this new occupational specialism, we are keen to get your employers’ views on the design of it, so please forward this short survey to any interested parties.

The final publication specifications are now available on our website ready for September 2024 delivery:

Craft and Design

Media, Broadcast and Production

We’ve just launched fresh teaching and assessment resources, with more on the way. Download what’s available now from each qualification’s course materials page and stay tuned for additional support in the coming months:

  • Schemes of work for Core content – available now
  • Delivery guides – June 2024
  • Recorded training for OS Assessments – July 2024
  • Live online training – T Level overview and Core assessments – autumn term 2024 
  • Schemes of work for Occupational Specialisms – autumn term 2024

The 2024 specification is now available on the website for learners starting in the 2024/25 academic year.

Download the 2024 specification

If you are interested in joining our Digital expert panel, please email david.pautsch@pearson.com.

Our curriculum planners to support delivery planning are available, with separate summer and autumn versions to reflect decoupling.

Gatsby are continuing the rollout the Digital T Level; they have been created by industry experts like Raspberry Pi and our own examiners to support your delivery. For information, keep an eye on Gatsby's website.

We have worked with Cisco and their Networking Academy on teaching resources for Python and other programming languages used in the Occupational Specialism. It's completely free to sign up and become a Cisco Networking Academy centre.

Access the resources and find out more at the Cisco Networking Academy

Legal Services

We’ve recently added several resources to support your delivery, including schemes of work for the Core and OS components, exemplar materials for the Employer Set Project, and a Content Overview for Core Paper 2.

Access all resources via the course materials web page


The 2024 Accounting specification is now available on the website, applicable to learners starting in the 2024/25 academic year.

Download the 2024 Accounting specification

Have you used the student exemplar response for the Employer Set Project for Accounting?

Please complete this short survey to let us know how you got on

Curriculum planners for the Core and Occupational Specialism Components are available on the course materials page.

The AdSAM for Task 1 is undergoing further improvements for Student/Provider usability. The updated documents will be available soon.

Don’t forget about our professional body support for the Accounting Occupational Specialism.

The ACCA are planning an employer webinar to gain their interest in supporting your student's industry placements. Please contact rob.alder@accaglobal.com if you’d like to discuss how your students are accessing placements and progression into employment after their T Level in Accounting.

Explore our ACCA partnership support


The 2024 Finance specification is now available on the website for learners starting in the 2024/25 academic year.

Download the 2024 Finance specification

Have you used the student exemplar response, Employer Set Project for Finance?

Please complete this short survey to let us know how you got on

The CII have a dedicated T Levels page to support you. If you’re interested in communicating with the CII, especially in relation to industry placements, they will be able to help you find local employers to suit work with you, please contact them via the form on their page.

Find out more about the CII support for T Levels

We have published the draft qualification description on our website.

Download the draft qualification description

There is still time to join our Provider Validation Panel and be part of the development. This will give you the opportunity to feed into the content and assessment, making sure it is appropriate and accessible for your students and manageable for you to deliver.

Join our Provider Validation Panel

Get involved

All T Levels have Provider and Employer Panels to assist with the development and delivery. We are currently developing the Marketing T level and recruiting for the provider and employer panels.

If you or any employer would like to get involved, please contact Andrew Hambelton via tlevelsemployers@pearson.com.

Our training and admin support page gathers everything you need to support your T Level delivery, from training and events to videos and documents to assist in administrating the qualifications.

  • On-demand training such as Getting to Know the Specification, Employer Set Project training, Keeping it Simple materials, and our termly policy update.
  • T Level live training where you can search for events and book Q&A networks, Getting Ready to Teach events, Getting Ready to Assess events.
  • Our training archive collects recordings of past events if you are unable to attend any of our live training sessions or want to listen again.
  • Administration documents and support, including key dates schedules, Provider approval guidance, administration support guides for assessment, videos to support making registrations and entries, understanding resit rules, and much more.

Unfortunately, our face-to-face events on The Inside Track on T Levels – best practice and guidance have been cancelled due to low numbers. However, we will still be delivering our planned sessions via on-line events during that week. We will focus on transitioning to T Levels in your curriculum from other vocational qualifications, bringing T Level to life and sharing good practice from experienced Providers.

See more details and book your place

If you need specific support with your T Level, our subject advisors are here to help. You can book a 15-minute one-to-one call where you can discuss any issue you are having with regards to planning or delivery of your T Level.

Find your subject advisor and get in touch

Unfortunately, our face-to-face events on The Inside Track on T Levels – best practice and guidance have been cancelled due to low numbers. However, we will still be delivering our planned sessions via on-line events during that week. We will focus on transitioning to T Levels in your curriculum from other vocational qualifications, bringing T Level to life and sharing good practice from experienced Providers.

Explore our online events and book your place