On our Training and Admin Support page you’ll find everything you need in terms of training and events to support your T Level delivery, and videos and documents to assist in administrating the qualifications.
Our training includes:
On-demand Getting to Know the Specification briefings, giving you a generic introduction, and overview of the Core Component, and an Overview of the Occupational Specialist Component.
A direct link to our T Level Live Training page, where you can search for events and book including:
· Live Q&A Network Sessions with the Product Manager and Subject Advisor giving you the opportunity to ask questions, discuss your experience delivering the T Level and share good practice with other Providers.
· Live Getting Ready to Teach training where you’ll cover planning your programme, reviewing elements of the content and practical ways it can be delivered, and signposting to the ongoing support available.
· Live Getting Ready to Assess training where you’ll learn how the assessment will work. Our aim is for you to have a good understanding of the approach we have taken in the assessments. We will look at the ‘command verb’ and discuss what is meant and the type of response required, and how the response changes depending upon the mark attributed to the question. We will also refer to the mark scheme for you to understand where marks will and will not be attributed.
Our Training Archive if you are unable to attend any of our live training sessions or want to listen again.
Our administration section includes:
Videos to support making registrations and entries, understanding resit rules, the Key Dates Schedule and the Provider Approval Process
Support documents including all the Provider Approval forms, quality assurance and monitoring, fees and key dates.