BTEC Higher Nationals Sport sector
Industry engagement

Industry is at the heart of Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications. Throughout the development and validation stages, we work with industry experts to structure our qualifications to meet industry standards.
We work with industry post-validation to further recognise our qualifications as high quality and career-focused; whether that be in the form of upskilling their own workforce with our qualifications or simply formally accepting the qualification as a part of the application process. The representatives are able to help design our qualifications to equip learners with skills required by industry across the world.
As an approved Higher Technical Qualification in England, employers are involved with the qualification process from the outset. At Pearson, we consulted with employers to ensure that the qualification aligned to the relevant employer-designed occupational standards, evidencing how the learning outcomes lead to specific job roles within the sector.
We are proud to have developed our Pearson BTEC Higher National in Community Coaching for England with experts from organisations, including: The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMPSA), Core Coach Foundation, Gloucestershire Hockey Association, British Aikido Board, Progressive Martial Arts, Sport Coach UK, Careers in Sport, Sport and Beyond, AoC Sport, North Yorkshire Outdoor Learning Service, SCL, Life: Labs, Reading FC, and Inside Performance.
For years, employers have valued the skills and knowledge that BTEC Higher National students bring to the world of work. That is why students choose to study our programmes.
Specific companies and industry bodies that have made formal statements of support and/or actively hire BTEC Higher National students include The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).
We are proud to have developed our Pearson BTEC Higher National in Sport with experts from organisations, including: The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMPSA), AOC Sport, North Yorkshire Outdoor Learning Service, Careers in Sport, Sport and Beyond, SCL, Life:Labs, Sport Coach UK, Reading FC and Inside Performance. The representatives are able to help design our qualifications to equip learners with skills required by industry across the world.
We are proud to have developed our Pearson BTEC Higher National in Sport and Exercise Science with experts from organisations, including: The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMPSA), AOC Sport, North YorkshireOutdoor Learning Service, Careers in Sport, Sport and Beyond, SCL, Life:Labs, Sport Coach UK, Reading FC and Inside Performance. The representatives are able to help design our qualifications to equip learners with skills required by industry across the world.
The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMPSA) supported the qualification’s registration to Ofqual.