Functional Skills | Edexcel Functional Skills | Pearson qualifications

Functional Skills

Pearson Functional Skills are qualifications in English, Mathematics and Digital that are available in England only from Entry 1 to Level 2. Suitable for learners of all ages, they’re also an accepted part of all Apprenticeship standards in England.

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Functional Skills qualifications

We offer qualifications in English, Mathematics and Digital, comprehensive qualifications for all ages and learner types, that equip learners with the practical skills needed to live, learn and work successfully. 

This includes a range of improved assessment, delivery and administration support services that enable you to tailor learning plans to target individual and cohort weaknesses.

Functional Skills Mathematics

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Functional Skills English

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Digital Functional Skills

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Important information

Pearson believes it is important to work with our centres and learners to ensure the support and assessment offered around our Functional Skills qualifications comprehensively meets your needs. We will post regular updates on our actions and those of The Regulator. 


Functional Skills blog

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Pearson's monthly Functional Skills blog focuses on all things Functional Skills including; updates, discussions and outcomes from training events and decisions from the regulator. This is produced by Post-16 English and Maths Sector Manager Chris Briggs.

Read our lastest blogs:


Functional Skills podcast

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Hosted by Chris Briggs, the Post 16 English and Maths specialist at Pearson, this podcast series focuses on everything post 16 English and Maths with guests from all aspects of the provision.


Listen to our latest podcast:


Functional Skills webinars

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Watch our latest webinars discussing updates and delivery support for Functional Skills English and Mathematics qualifications:

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Bitesize webinars

Functional Skills useful documents

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Watch our bitesize webinars discussing new resources, teaching tips, exemplar materials and FAQs.

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Useful documents

Download and view our useful Functional Skills documents.

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