March 2024 Teaching Science update
Welcome to the March update for teachers delivering Pearson Edexcel Science qualifications. In this update you can find information on periodic table inserts that will be provided in this summer's GCSE Chemistry papers. We will also include formula booklet inserts for AS and A level Physics papers from this summer. Other information on the submission of practical statements and assessment records is also included, along with news items that I hope you find useful.
Periodic table insert for GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Combined Science for Summer 2024 exams
To improve student exam experience we are pleased to announce that from this summer, students will have access to a detached periodic table that will be provided as an insert inside chemistry papers for GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Combined Science. This change is a result of feedback we have received from schools last summer.
Up until now, the periodic table has been printed at the back of question papers, requiring students to refer to the back of the paper for those questions that required it. Going forward, from Summer 2024, the periodic table will no longer be provided at the back of papers - instead it will be provided as a detached insert inside the chemistry exam papers.
The periodic table that will be provided will be the same as the one provided in previous past papers. Exactly the same periodic table will provided in all chemistry papers, across tiers and also across GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Combined Science.

A level & AS Physics 'Lists of data, formulae and relationships booklet' for Summer 2024 exams
We are also pleased to announce that from Summer 2024 all students will be provided with a separate 'Lists of data, formulae and relationships booklet' inside the AS and A level Physics exam papers.
The booklet will be provided as an insert inside the AS and A level Physics exam papers. There will be a booklet for the AS papers, and a booklet for A level papers. You can view and download both booklets from the AS and A level Physics qualification page and use them with your students as required e.g. for exam practice. Due to this change, the 'Lists of data, formulae and relationships' will no longer be printed at the back of question papers as in previous series. Students can instead use the booklets that will be provided as an insert going forward.
The DfE plan to make the following change to KS4 performance measures for 2023/24, to be published in Autumn 2024:
'entries into triple science (the percentage of pupils entered for biology, chemistry and physics) and entries into languages (the percentage of pupils entered for an EBacc language) will change from being additional measures to become headline measures for 2023/24, and will be reported on the main school page in performance tables from Autumn 2024.'
You can read about this on page 10 of the DfE guide on 'Secondary accountability measures for maintained secondary schools, academies and free schools' (see link below).
To better understand your thoughts and needs, Pearson Edexcel Science kindly request your participation in a brief survey with four short questions. Your responses will help us tailor our support and resources to meet your needs.
25 June 2024 at 09:30 - 16:00 GMT
A new face-to-face event will be taking place this summer for teachers or heads of department who deliver our GCSE Science qualifications. There will be a selection of speakers relevant to our GCSE specification - focusing on topics ranging from practicals, data analysis to understanding the way our assessments work. There will be opportunities to listen, learn and discuss the wonderful world of science teaching with other like-minded colleagues.
Event Fee (GBP) £99 excl. Tax | Pearson Event Code 1SC0-23F1/01
For GCSE Science centres must confirm that students have completed the mandatory core practicals by completing and submitting a GCSE Head Teacher declaration form. You can access the Head Teacher declaration form, along with accompanying FAQs, from the links below.
The declaration form should be submitted to Pearson via our online form by 15 April in the year of certification.
Any failure by centres to provide the declaration will be treated as malpractice and/or maladministration.
To aid teaching and learning of practicals skills we have new GCSE Science Core Practical 'SHORTS' videos - created to be student friendly recap videos.
Students sitting GCSE Physics and GCSE Combined Science will be provided with an equation sheet in Summer 2024 exams. This was confirmed by Ofqual in December 2023 following their consultation outcome on equation and formula sheets.
The equation sheet will be provided as an insert in the exam papers as it was in the Summer 2023 examination series. It is also possible to view and download the equation sheet from the Pearson Science qualification page so students can become familiar with it ahead of their exams.
Other A level news and support
Centres are required to sign and send in the A level Science Head Teacher form by the 15 May to declare that students have completed the practical activities that meet the practical Endorsement requirements of the A level science specifications. You can access the Headteacher declaration form, along with accompanying CPAC FAQs, from the link below. The form has been updated this year with a statement on AI use.
The completed Head Teacher declaration form should be submitted online to Pearson via the form below.
A ‘Pass’ (P) or ‘Not Classified’ (NC) decision for each student should also be submitted on Edexcel Online by 15 May. This can be done through the 'coursework marks' option on Edexcel Online.
Note, Edexcel Online (EOL) access and profile permissions are set by the Exams Officer at each centre. If the Exams Officer requires any support with EOL then our Exams Officer support team can be contacted on 0344 463 2535.
To support centres with practical work we provide A level Core Practical Guides and practical playlists for each A level Science qualification. These are located on the 'Teaching and Learning Materials' pages.
Pre-recorded feedback events for Pearson Edexcel A Level Sciences looks at how students performed in the Summer 2023 exams and provides guidance on how to address feedback in the examiners' reports. Recordings are available on the Professional Academy page.
GCSE Astronomy
For GCSE Astronomy students must undertake at least one unaided and one aided observation from the selection listed in the specification. This list also provided our Observations Skills Guide. It is important to realise that these mandatory observations are the minimum number of observations that should be taken during the course. Students will need to use their knowledge and understanding of observational techniques and procedures in the written assessments. As always, centres are responsible for ensuring appropriate safety procedures are followed whenever their students complete observational activities.
Centres must also confirm that each student has completed at least one unaided and one aided observation by completing and submitting an Observation Statement. This must be submitted to Pearson by 15th April in the year of certification. Any failure by centres to provide this Observation Statement will be treated as malpractice and/or maladministration.
The updated form that should be used going forward, now includes a statement about AI use. It is available on the link below.
The completed observation statement needs to be uploaded and submitted to Pearson via our online form.
The final date for submitting marks and samples for ELC assessments is 15 May in the year of certification. Please note, however, that your Exams Officer may have their own internal deadlines.
Our updated assessment record forms that need to be used this year can be found on the links below which now include a statement about AI use. Also provided below is guidance on submitting samples.
For international qualifications the deadline for making entries for the Summer 2024 exam series 21 March 2024. After these dates late entry fees may be charged. Please note that your exams officer will have their own internal deadlines in order to get the information necessary to make entries. You can find entry codes on our website.
The Ofqual announcement above relates specifically to UK GCSE qualifications, but the same approach is being taken for International GCSE Physics, and International GCSE Science Double and Science Single Awards (physics papers) where students will also have access to a revised equation sheet for Summer 2024 exams. The equation sheets for these qualifications will be uploaded on the qualification pages soon this month. In the meantime, the equation sheets used in 2023 can be referred to for exam practice and revision. Links to these are provided below.
You can view current training opportunities and look out for new training on our Professional Development Academy page. Some upcoming events are listed below.
Understanding Assessment and Improving Outcomes in Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (Module 1) 16 April 2024 at 13:00-15:00 BST
This training is designed for teachers who are delivering the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry specification.
This training will give you an understanding of how assessments are structured for the qualification and how your teaching can be adapted to help your students’ performance on examination papers.
In this training, delegates will;
- Be introduced to the idea of assessment objectives: what are they and why they are used when writing examination papers
- Analyse recent question papers and learn which types of question match the different assessment objectives
- Investigate assessment objectives, considering how questions in this area have been answered by looking at feedback from previous exam series
- Discuss strategies for teaching those and discuss specification content to try and make sure students can access questions targeting different assessment objectives
- Review the support Pearson offers for the qualification
- Network, discuss best practice and share ideas with other teachers
Understanding Assessment and Improving Outcomes in Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Chemistry (Module 2) 25 April 2024 at 13:00-15:00 BST
This training is designed for teachers who are delivering the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Chemistry specification.
This training will give you an understanding of how assessments are structured for the qualification and how your teaching can be adapted to help your students’ performance on examination papers.
In this training, delegates will;
- Be introduced to the idea of assessment objectives: what are they and why they are used when writing examination papers
- Analyse recent question papers and learn which types of question match the different assessment objectives
- Investigate assessment objectives, considering how questions in this area have been answered by looking at feedback from previous exam series
- Discuss strategies for teaching those and discuss specification content to try and make sure students can access questions targeting different assessment objectives
- Review the support Pearson offers for the qualification
- Network, discuss best practice and share ideas with other teachers
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Biology: Welcome to Pearson (Module 1) 15 April 2024 at 09:00-11:00 BST
This specialised online training caters to educators who are new to delivering the International Advanced Level Biology specification. The training program consists of two distinct modules, each to be booked onto separately.
Module 1 is dedicated to the art of teaching the course, providing a comprehensive grasp of the qualification's content, insights on effective coverage, course and lesson planning strategies, a thorough understanding of the assessment process, preparation techniques for students, and a succinct overview of the support services offered by Pearson to educators. Throughout Module 1, participants will:
•Uncover the methodology behind the qualification's design and explore fundamental documentation.
•Review the content of the qualification.
•Navigate the intricacies of course and lesson planning, enhancing pedagogical approaches.
•Gain insights into the assessment process of the qualification and discover effective student preparation methods.
•Identify and leverage the support resources available from Pearson to enhance teaching.
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Biology: Welcome to Pearson (Module 2) 29 April 2024 at 09:00-11:00 BST
Tailored for educators delivering the International Advanced Level Biology specification, this online training will support your understanding of the assessment.
Module 2 provides a comprehensive exploration of how the specification is evaluated, shedding light on assessment objectives and mark schemes. Participants will engage in hands-on practice by applying mark schemes to exemplar student work, gaining a nuanced understanding of how marks are determined.
In Module 2, participants will:
•Grasp the intricacies of Assessment Objectives for the qualification.
•Dive into an understanding of the diverse question types encountered in the qualification.
•Explore the nuances of mark schemes associated with the qualification.
•Hone their skills through practical application of mark schemes using exemplar student work.
•Learn about the support services offered by Pearson, specifically focusing on assessment and exemplars.
We will soon be introducing modular International GCSE specifications for overseas students. The specifications will be available to view in April. More information can be obtained from the link below.
These modular qualifications are for first teaching from September 2024 with first assessment May/June 2025.
The present linear specifications are not being removed and will continue to be available. There will simply be a choice between the existing specifications following the linear assessment route, or the new specifications, that will follow a modular assessment route. Please note, the modular assessment route will not be available for students based in the UK.
Pearson Edexcel View from the Lab Podcasts
Every month we release Pearson Edexcel View from the Lab Podcasts. These aim to inform, engage and entertain with the help of thought leaders, science journalists and education specialists, joining us for each episode.
In this month's episode Andy Woods is joined by a titan of the science education world – the widely respected Professor Michael Reiss! Michael currently works for University College London’s Institute of Education. His whole career has been deeply embedded in the science world from starting off as a teacher in Cambridgeshire to becoming a well-respected voice in science education and particularly the field of ‘bioethics’. We delve into his thoughts on integrating the three main sciences as well as taking a ‘side road’ to discuss the benefits of ‘psychodynamic counselling’, we also have an opportunity to discuss the friction we sometimes see between science and religion. There’s so much to discover in this enlightening episode!
Timetables for this academic year are available on our website. We have also published our provisional timetables for Summer 2025.
This academic year we have a general qualifications assessment support page. Here you can find news, information and updates from Ofqual, the DfE, JCQ and Pearson relating to exams and assessments for our GCSE, AS and A level qualifications.
It will be updated regularly with the latest announcements, news, support materials to enable you to teach our qualifications and help your students with assessments and post-results support.
Pearson general qualifications bulletins are also sent regularly providing you with key information and updates on our qualifications and assessments for both UK and International centres. You can sign-up to receive these from the link below.
In June 2023 we introduced Multi-factor Authentication as Cyber security is increasingly in the news and deliberate attacks on centres are sadly becoming more common. That’s why Pearson is committed to working with all centres to ensure our digital interactions are as secure and risk-free as possible. In December of last year we rolled out a major enhancement to our current Edexcel Online Multi- Factor Authentication process. We will be moving away from the current email One Time Passcode (OTP) and will be asking Edexcel Online users to authenticate via an app on their smartphone or other compatible device. Each account user will use their own device (capable of operating authenticator apps such as Microsoft/ Google authenticator).
We are taking the opportunity to remind colleagues that using a personal device will not result in Pearson collecting and/ or using any personal data, including a mobile phone number. If you need support with accessing a device, please talk to your centre leadership about how they can best support you.
The JCQ have recently updated their guidance on the 'Use of AI in Assessments' document. This guidance is designed to help students and teachers to complete NEAs, coursework and other internal assessments successfully.
On 15 September 2023 the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) updated its ‘Instructions for the Conduct of Qualifications’ document for the 2023/24 academic year to provide more clarity to candidates, exam officers and teachers given recent changes in technology.
In particular, the use of calculators in exams has been updated in Section 10 ‘Using calculators’. The use of calculators applies to a number of different subjects so please do pass this information to all who need to read it.
Full details can be found in the in the booklet 'Instructions for conducting examinations 2023-2024' and a set of FAQs about using calculators on the JCQ website.
We have a Teaching, Learning and Assessment 2023/24 web page which will contain the most up-to-date information on vocational assessment for this academic year. The link to this page is provided below and it is a page you can refer to during the year.
We send out regular Vocational Qualification Bulletins to keep centres informed of our support and services. You can sign-up for these and also read previous bulletins on our website.
Sign-up to receive regular vocational qualification bulletins
Read previous vocational qualification bulletins on our website
Please keep an eye on the science news page for the latest BTEC Science updates.
We're looking for knowledgeable and passionate individuals to become Pearson examiners for the 2024 exam series across a wide range of subjects. Becoming an examiner is a great way to deepen your subject expertise, spread your assessment knowledge within your department and acquire valuable insights into the assessment process, empowering you to better prepare your learners for their exams. You can enjoy the convenience of working remotely, fitting it around your other commitments, and augmenting your income. It can also help you build your professional networks and benefit from opportunities for progression and continuous professional development.
Subject advisor
Irine Muhiuddin

Subject updates
February 2025 Teaching Science update
Welcome to the February Teaching Science update for Pearson Edexcel Science qualifications. In this update you will find information on training events for Spring 2025 and other news items to support your teaching.
January 2025 Teaching Science update