Private Candidates are students who have not studied with the exam centre that makes their entry. Included in this group are, for example:

  • school age students who have been home educated,
  • adults who have studied independently,
  • students who have studied with a distance learning provider which does not offer exam entry,
  • students at a school or college who have studied an additional subject outside of the school or college; and
  • students returning to their former centre to resit a qualification.
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You will need to pay your centre any fees associated with your exams. Our UK fees are published on our centre administration fees page, however, your centre may charge additional administration fees. Pearson has no control over the administration fees charged by your centre, any queries about fees need to be directed to your centre.

Frequently asked questions for private candidates

Past papers for private candidates

Access arrangements for private candidates

If you need access arrangements or reasonable adjustments for your examinations you should discuss this with your chosen exam centre when you ask them to make your entry. The JCQ has produced a guide to access arrangements for centres accepting private candidates which you might find helpful. 

JCQ access arrangement for prviate candidates

Useful topics

Where can I take Pearson qualification exams?

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Past papers

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Post-results services

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Find a qualification

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