Physical Education and Sport | Pearson qualifications

Physical Education and Sport

Subject update | Fri Aug 30 14:27:00 UTC 2024

September update - Support sessions and Training events for PE and Sport qualifications

In this update I would like to provide you with more information on the training and support sessions available for 

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  • BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022)
  • BTEC Nationals in Sport
  • A level PE

BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022)   

  • Support session for teachers new to BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022)  
  • Support session providing hints and tips from BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022) summer 2024 
Course Date Time Register
Support session for teachers new to BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022) Tuesday 24 September 08.00 - 08.45 Register
Support session for teachers new to BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022) Monday 30 September 15.30 - 16.15 Register
Support session providing hints and tips from BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022) summer 2024 Friday 27 September 08.00 -08.45 Register
Support session providing hints and tips from BTEC Tech Award in Sport (2022) summer 2024 Tuesday 8 October 15.30 - 16.15 Register

BTEC Nationals in Sport

  • A Support session to keep you up to date on the re developments of the AAQs in BTEC Nationals in sport (S&ES) and the Technicals in Personal Trainer  


Title Date Time Register
Update on the new AAQs and Technicals for Personal Trainer Wednesday 4 September 13.00 - 13.45 Register


  • Training event - Exam Insights from May/June 2024 
  • Training event - Mocks Marking training  
  • Training event - GCSE Physical Education: Coursework Marking Training for Component 4 – Module 4: Live Q&A Session 
Title Date Time Register
GCSE Physical Education: Exam Insights May/June 2024 3 October 16.00 - 17.30 Register
GCSE Physical Education: Mocks Marking Training 14 October 16.00 - 18.00 Register
GCSE Physical Education: Coursework Marking Training for Component 4 – Module 4: Live Q&A Session 14 November 16.00 - 18.00 Register

A level PE 

  • Training event: Exam Insights May/June 2024 
Title Date Time Register
A Level Physical Education: Exam Insights May/June 2024 26 September 16.00 - 17.00 Register

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