Health and Health Science update - March 2020 | Pearson qualifications

Health and Health Science update - March 2020

20 March 2020

An update on everything new within the Health and Health Science sector.

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First Aid courses update from HSE

The HSE has announced a 3 month extension to the validity for all certificates coming up for renewal on or after 16 March during the current COVID-19 crisis.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is aware that people holding Offshore Medic (OM), Offshore First Aid (OFA), First Aid at Work (FAW) or Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) certificates nearing expiry date, might experience disruption to access to requalification training as a result of events or circumstances generated by the coronavirus pandemic.

HSE’s current guidance on the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 (PDF l 2.3 MB) and the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations 1989 (PDF l 0.3 MB) is that those holding an OM, OFA, FAW or EFAW qualification should undertake retraining before their original certificate expires and HSE strongly recommends that employers, and individuals holding those qualifications should plan for requalification training well in advance of expiry dates.

If, however, requalification training is prevented for reasons associated directly with coronavirus or by complying with related government advice, it is reasonable and practical to extend the validity of current certificates by up to 3 months. Anyone taking advantage of this extension should be able to describe clearly their reasons for delaying requalification training, and demonstrate steps they have taken to undertake the training, if required.

This guidance comes into effect for certificates expiring on or after 16 March 2020. HSE will review this matter over the coming months and will issue further statements as necessary.

Also, the Department for Education has commented as follows:

The Department for Education supports the HSE statement regarding the extension of first aid certificates during the coronavirus emergency and that it can be applied to paediatric first aid certificates held by staff in early years provision.

Qualification support for Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians

To support the centres for delivery of this new qualification we have recorded webinars available on our website to guide you through the requirements and approval process and plan for this qualification.

In addition to this all centres, once approved can access the Authorised Assignment Briefs for use.

SASE Transition in Healthcare

This year, SASE Apprenticeship frameworks are being switched off. After 31 July 2020 you will no longer be able to start new apprentices on the SASE Frameworks in Healthcare. We provide a comprehensive range of apprenticeship products and services which will support you in your on-programme and end-point assessment delivery needs to meet your
apprenticeship requirements:

Coming soon:

Pharmacy Services Assistant
Pharmacy Technician

Senior Healthcare Support Worker EPA

The updated Assessment Plan for Senior Healthcare Support Worker (SHCSW) was approved and published by the Institute for Apprenticeships on 5 September 2018. Any learners registered after 5 September 2018 will be required to undertake EPA with this assessment plan. We now have this offer available and you can find out information on this EPA


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