Getting ready for summer 2018 International GCSE results
This update provides summer 2018 results guidance for teachers delivering International GCSEs in English.
International GCSE results day for the summer 2018 series: 23 August 2018
Date |
Summer 2018 exam materials available with your Edexcel Online login |
Tuesday 3 July |
Question papers |
Tuesday 24 July |
Mark schemes |
International GCSE results day: Thursday 23 August |
Tuesday 28 August |
Examiners’ reports on the qualification webpages |
Free access to scripts service
From 23 August 2018 until 14 December 2018, you will be able to view and download scripts which have been marked online free of charge from our Self-Service Portal.
The Portal can only be accessed by Edexcel Online users who have the Exam Viewer profile ticked on Edexcel Online. Exams officers give teachers access to Exam Viewer.
Please note that these scripts do not contain examiners' annotations.
If scripts have been marked ‘traditionally’ (i.e. not online), you will need to request them, free of charge, by 14 December 2018, via the Post Results section of Edexcel Online as in previous exam series.
Candidate consent
Candidate consent is required before requesting script copies, as per section 6.2.1 of the JCQ's Post-results services guide. Candidate consent can only be obtained after results have been published.
Individual moderator reports for International GCSE coursework
From results day you can download centre-specific moderator feedback for your coursework components (9-1: 4EA1 03 and 4ET1 03; A*-G: 4EA0 03 and 4ET0 03):
- Log in to Edexcel Online. If you've forgotten your password you can generate a reminder by selecting 'forgot password'
- Click on ‘home’.
- Select ‘GCSE’ from the qualification drop down on the left.
- Hover over ‘Results’ and select ‘Moderator Reports’
- Select ‘June 2018’ from the ‘Select a Session’ dropdown.
- Select your International GCSE coursework component from the subject dropdown.
‘Moderator Report’ will self-select. - Click ‘submit’.
- Your moderator’s report will appear in your Edexcel Online mailbox within 30 minutes.
The video below shows you how to access the moderator's report.
9-1 4EA1 and 4EB1 Optional Spoken Language Endorsement (SLE)
From results day, you can access your centre’s monitor report on Edexcel Online:
- Log in to Edexcel Online
- Click on ‘home’.
- Select ‘GCSE’ from the qualification drop down on the left.
- Hover over ‘Results’ and select ‘Moderator/Monitor Reports’
- Select ‘June 2018’ from the ‘Select a Session’ dropdown.
- Select ‘English Language 4EA1/E or 4EB1/E’ from the subject dropdown.
- ‘Monitor Report’ will self-select.
- Click ‘submit’.
- Your monitor report will appear in your Edexcel Online mailbox within 30 minutes.
From results day, the Monitors’ Report (for all centres) will be available on the 4EA1 and the 4EB1 qualification pages under ‘exam materials’.
Examiners’ and general moderators’ reports
1. To download examiners’ reports on examined components and general moderators’ reports on coursework components on results day go to and sign in using your Edexcel Online username and password. If you've forgotten your password you can generate a reminder from Edexcel Online by selecting 'forgot password'. Please note that the new password expires after 60 minutes so you will need to use it promptly. Check your spam folder if you can’t see it in your inbox.
2. Once you are logged in under your centre, select 'Results Plus Analysis'.
3. Then select 'Whole cohort results' followed by 'Cohort paper analysis'.
4. Select 'GCSE' and 'June 2018', followed by the relevant qualification title and 'View paper analysis'. Select 'Exam docs' you will find the Examiners’ Report for that component.
Reviews of marking
If you're not happy with your students' results this summer, you should take the following steps:
- View the grade boundaries, question papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports of the paper/qualification concerned.
- View your students’ scripts using the free access to scripts service.
- Log in to ResultsPlus to see how your students have performed on every question and compare their performance to the national average.
- If you're still unhappy with your students' results, you may apply for a review of marking via our post-results services.
Find everything you need to know about results day and post-results services
Post-results services
For an easy overview of reviews of marking and what they cost, please see our post results fees quick reference guide 2018-2019 and full list of fees.
View the fees for post-results services page
Post-results services deadlines
The summer 2018 post-results services deadlines are listed below and are also available on our support pages.
International GCSE
Post-results services are available from Thursday 23 August 2018.
Service |
Deadline |
Priority review of marking |
Thursday 30 August |
Access to scripts (copy) |
Friday 14 December |
Review of marking, service 1 (clerical check) |
Thursday 20 September |
Review of marking, service 2 |
Thursday 20 September |
Access to scripts post review of marking |
Thursday 20 September |
How to apply for post-results services
Please speak to your exams officer if you wish to proceed with a review of marking. Exams officers should contact their Centre Account Specialist on 0844 463 2535 if they require guidance or view the video tutorial below. All applications for reviews of marking must be submitted through Edexcel Online.
Why are reviews of marking results sometimes received very quickly?
Senior examiners who carry out reviews of marking are re-trained prior to commencing reviews. As soon as you submit a request for a review of marking on Edexcel Online, the script is sent to the allocated senior examiner electronically. If they are sitting at their desk, they could receive the script and start reviewing it within minutes of your request.
Understanding more about the quality and accuracy of marking
99.2% of our grades were accurate in summer 2017. Please have a look at this webpage if you’d like to find out more about how we ensure that our marking is fair and accurate.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a review of marking, you may wish to appeal against the decision. We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager) 14 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome of the review of marking, during which an appeal may be lodged by writing to the following address:
Edexcel Appeals Office
One90 High Holborn
or by email to
We cannot accept appeals directly from candidates, their parents or other third parties acting on their behalf. However, private candidates may appeal directly without the support of the entering centre.
These will be sent by 7 November 2018.
Understanding 9-1 grades
View our help page for 9-1 grades
Exam feedback training and exemplars
In autumn 2018, we will be providing recorded exam feedback training on 9-1 International GCSEs. We will also provide new exemplars from summer 2018 for 9-1 International GCSE English Language and Literature.
The next assessment opportunity for International GCSE is in January 2019.
Entry deadline: 12 October 2018.
Submission deadline for January 2019 coursework marks and sample; and spoken language endorsement marks and sample (4EA1 & 4EB1 only, optional): 10 January 2019.
Access to January 2019 exam timetable
Entry codes are in the information manual. The 2018-2019 manual will be published by 1 September 2018.
9-1 International GCSEs
These are linear qualifications. Students must resit both papers. If they have taken the coursework option, they can carry forward their 4EA1 03 or 4ET1 03 marks and resit the 4EA1 01 or 4ET1 01 exam. There is no carry forward of coursework marks from the legacy to the 9-1 International GCSE.
A*-G legacy international GCSEs (non-UK students only)
January 2019 is the last ever opportunity to sit 4EA0, 4EB0 and 4ET0 for non-UK students. These are linear qualifications. Students must resit both papers. If they have taken the coursework option, they can carry forward their 4EA0 03 (and/or 4EA0 04) or 4ET0 03 marks and resit the exam. There is no carry forward of coursework marks from the legacy to the 9-1 International GCSE.
I wish you, your students and their parents the best of luck on results day and I look forward to supporting you in 2018-2019.
Best wishes