Getting ready for BTEC Results Day 2023
This update is for BTEC teachers providing information to help you prepare for results day. It also contains information about post-results services and other items that I hope you find useful.

We fully appreciate the hard work which students have put into their studies and revision. On behalf of the BTEC Engineering team, we want to thank everyone in schools and colleges for your dedication and support to make sure your students achieve the grades they deserve. We wish you and your students a well-deserved break over the summer, and the best of luck on results day.
Multi-factor Authentication for Edexcel Online

On 19 June 2023 we wrote to all registered Edexcel Online account holders, advising that we had introduced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as an additional layer of security to help protect your centre and learner data. While a lot of users have now accessed Edexcel Online (EOL) and successfully gone through the MFA process, we are aware that other roles may not use EOL and other related systems on a regular basis, and the next time to try and log in is on a learner results day.
To make your results days as easy as possible, if you are a user that will need to access any of the following systems during the summer results period, please log into these now to check you can access them successfully. We are here to help you between now and the results period should you need us:
- Edexcel Online (EOL)
- ResultsPlus
- Exam Viewer
Additional support for Multi-Factor Authentication can be found in our customer support articles below.
BTEC key dates timeline
We have a BTEC key dates timeline outlining actions for both centres and Pearson throughout the year. This will enable you know what to do and what you can expect from us right up until the release of summer results. This can be viewed on the Teaching, learning and assessment 2022/2023 page.
Teaching, learning and assessment 2022/2023 page
The results dates on this timeline have been summarised on the table below.
Qualification | Date results released to centres under embargo | Date results released to students |
BTEC Level 3 Nationals | 9 August 2023 | 17 August 2023 |
BTEC Level 1/2 Firsts | 16 August 2023 | 24 August 2023 |
Ofqual blog on vocational qualification grading and awarding in 2023
You can find out about vocational qualification grading and awarding this Summer in the latest Ofqual blog.
Question papers, mark schemes and examiner reports
Question papers from summer 2023 series are available on the qualification pages, under course materials - external assessment tab.
On results day mark schemes and examiner reports will also be available from the same page.
Grade boundaries for external assessments
For BTECs grade boundaries are set for external units at each exam series. They are set by a group of subject and assessment experts reviewing a range of evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, to ensure that there is fairness, validity and robustness in the grade boundaries. The grade boundaries for the Summer exam series will be available on the link below.
Please note, that the raw mark grade boundaries change from series to series. We provide raw marks to points calculators for each exam series to confirm how the raw marks are converted to points. They are updated soon after the results are published.
Raw marks and grade points for externally-assessed units
To find out about the raw marks your learners have achieved in the externally-assessed units you can follow the instructions below.
- Log in to Edexcel Online
- Enter your centre number
- From the drop down menu, select BTEC.
- Hover over External Assessment from the menu
- Select 'view results by assessment booking'
- Fill in series/programme/unit and click next.
- Select programme and click export results.
You will get a .csv file with the information you want. The information for the grade points is in the column headed UMS.
Please note that in order to access this you will need the ‘Results’ box ticked in your Edexcel Online user profile. It is not the policy of all centres to make this available so you may have to ask your Exams Officer to print out the spreadsheet for you. You can watch our video tutorial below for more information.
- Log in to Edexcel Online
- Enter your centre number
- From the drop down menu, select BTEC.
- Hover over External Assessment from the menu
- Select 'view results by assessment booking'
- Fill in series/programme/unit and click next.
- Select programme and click export results.

You will get a .csv file with the information you want. The information for the grade points is in the column headed UMS.
Please note that in order to access this you will need the ‘Results’ box ticked in your Edexcel Online user profile. It is not the policy of all centres to make this available so you may have to ask your Exams Officer to print out the spreadsheet for you. You can watch our video tutorial below for more information.
Accessing results information
Centres can obtain results reports through Edexcel Online. Usually, it is the Exams Officer in a centre that obtains the reports.

Access to Scripts (ATS)
Our Access to Script (ATS) services allow you to request copies of your candidates' marked exam papers. Scripts do not have examiner annotation on them. The marked script allows teachers to evaluate how the student performed on particular questions in relation to what they have been taught; the Principal Examiner's Report and the exemplars that we make available demonstrate how the mark scheme is applied.
Candidate consent
To use the free access to script service, you need to have candidate consent.
Signed consent from each learner, obtained after the publication of results, is required as a condition of using our free Access To Scripts service.
Results day may be your only opportunity to obtain such consent so you may wish to have a set of candidate consent forms ready for learners to sign as they collect their results.
How does ATS work?
First, you need to have the Exam Viewer box ticked in your Edexcel Online user profile. If you don’t, please ask your exams officer to do this. Your EO may have to phone your account specialist to get your profile updated.
Second, select the menu option ‘Script Viewer’ at the bottom of the opening menu in Edexcel Online. This will open the self-service portal.
Find out more about this service and access the user guide
This service is available until 15 December 2023.
BTEC Grade calculator
BTECs are modular qualifications which means that internal unit grades must be submitted by centres for certificating learners. Learners will also need to have the required external unit results to meet the ‘eligibility’ requirements of the qualification. These requirements are outlined in the specification and you can confirm your leaners have the required units and unit grades to achieve a qualification outcome using our BTEC Grade Calculators.
Changing a learner registration after the results (dropping down)

If a learner is not eligible for a qualification, having achieved a U, for example, in an externally assessed unit, it may be possible to transfer to a smaller size. Please ask your exams officer to change the registration in Edexcel Online. There is a video for exams officers in Edexcel Online called ‘Transfers’ to explain how this is done.
Analysing results using ResultsPlus
ResultsPlus is a free online results analysis tool for teachers that can help you analyse your learners' performance in the externally assessed units. You can find more information and how to login by visiting our ResultsPlus support page. To access ResultsPlus you will need the correct permission on your Edexcel Online account.
Grade statistics – BTEC results for benchmarking
The grade statistics for the are published in late October/early November on the grade statistics page of the website.
Access the grade statistics page
These statistics can be used for benchmarking purposes. Please note that in line with all qualifications, learner achievement is reported at qualification level and not at unit level.
Reviews of Marking and Moderation (RoMM)
You can request a review the marking of exam papers for individual candidates and the results for each candidate will be reported separately. Candidates must be made aware that their marks and subject grades may be lowered as a result of the review and must provide their written consent before an application is submitted.
The last date for us to receive applications for reviews of marking services is 28 September 2023.
How to apply for post-results services
Please speak to your Exams Officer if you wish to proceed with a review of marking. Exams officers should contact our support team on 0344 463 2535 if they require any guidance or they can email We also provide a post-results guidance video. All applications for reviews of marking must be submitted through Edexcel Online.
Results support for students, parents and carers
We have a dedicated web page for student post-results support. Please forward this link to your students where they can find information on the services for students.
We also have created a guide for students on Understanding results and grades and have '#ExamsSpelledOut' student videos.
BTEC Vocational Qualification Bulletins
We send out regular Vocational Qualification Bulletins to keep centres informed of our support and services. You can sign-up for these and also read previous bulletins on our website.
Sign up to receive regular vocational qualification bulletins
Read previous vocational qualification bulletins on our website
Getting in touch
I hope you have found this update useful. If you have any questions then please get in touch via the Pearson support portal.
Subject advisor
Evren Alibaba