Who delivers the most accurate exam results first time?

Pearson Edexcel delivers the most accurate exam results in the UK with 99.2%* of grades accurate on results day in 2017, meaning 99.2% of teachers and students can feel confident that they’ll get the right outcome. 

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How do you get such accurate results?

ePEN, our unique, image-based marking system, ensures real time monitoring, quality control and reporting to ensure the highest quality marking and provision of data.

Unlike traditional exam paper marking, our examiners mark one anonymised question at a time, rather than one paper/script at a time. They submit marks for each item as they go which removes any potential bias they may have based on a student’s answers to previous questions, and produces remarkably accurate results. 

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Video credit: BBC

*Ofqual 2017 summer exam series report, published 14 December 2017.