Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science (2020)

Computer Science October Update
As you progress through toward the first half term of a new school year here are some helpful reminders and updates, hopefully these are helpful.
Women in Tech Week 07-11 October

New Training Events and Resources

GCSE Computer Science: Exam Insights May/June 2024
01 October 2024 at 16:00-17:00 BST
This training is for teachers of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science specification and will provide feedback and insights on the May/June 2024 exam series.
The session will focus on the performance of some of the key questions in the series and provide analysis to support. The session will point out key statistical performance data that may help with your planning for the year ahead.
Delegates will:
- receive feedback on the performance of candidates in the May/June 2024 exam series
- consider the variation of candidates’ performance on different questions and explore why performance varies
- receive key points from the Examiner’s Report
- address common issues and FAQs.
New to Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science
08 October 2024 at 16:00-17:30 BST
This training is for teachers who are moving to Pearson Edexcel or delivering the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science specification for the first time.
Delegates will:
- consider the structure, content and assessment of the qualification, and the support available
- explore possible teaching and delivery strategies
- review the content in the specification and exam techniques
- explore the points-based mark scheme
- explore the levels-based mark schemes.

You can now access a further set of Specimen Papers - these are Set 4. These Specimen papers will remain under padlock and are a very vlauable resources to be used by teachers for mocks and other in program assessments. The silver padlock means that only teachers can access these resources. Further Set 4 resources, such as exemplar training materials will be added during the next academic year.
In the meantime please utilise all Sets 1 to 4 to help prepare your students for the live assessments.

Useful background content

Please watch this short case study video
Pete Dring, Head of Computer Science at Fulford School, tells us about the school’s experience of teaching Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Computer Science.

Recording of Paper 2 Preparation Event - 24th April 2024
We met with Exams Officers, Teachers and IT support colleagues to discuss getting ready for Paper 2.. The presentation that accompanied the event can be obtained below:

Recording of Network event 19th March 2024 with Mission Encodeable
Recent students Harry and Anna who are currently in Year 12 studying A Level Computer Science presented their Mission Encodeable resources and answered questions about their experience of GCSE Computer Science.

If you are delivering, or are considering delivering, our 2020 Computer Science specification and have not already been contacted please complete the Intention to offer form below.
Please join the 2192 colleagues currently active in the Facebook group for this qualification. It is teachers only and provides the platform for free and open sharing of views resources and opinions.

Join us as an Examiner
Excellent opportunity to join this growing team and gain invaluable CPD.
A GCSE -Computer Science (2020 Specification) Examiner will mark candidates’ responses in accordance with the pre-defined mark scheme, whilst adhering to conditions of recognition and examination procedures. A high level of subject knowledge is necessary in order to apply the mark scheme. Each examiner will receive an agreed allocation of scripts.
Please note that if you wish to be considered you must have experience with Python Computer Language for 1CP2 02.
- To mark accurately and consistently to ensure overall standards are maintained
- To submit samples to your Team Leader at designated times
- To ensure milestones for marking are adhered to
- To ensure all administration is completed as specified
Experience/qualifications needed
- You will have one academic year's worth of teaching experience: a. within the last 8 years b. within the relevant qualification and subject
- You will have a degree or equivalent
- You will be a qualified teacher
- You will have experience in Python

Free teacher access to Pearson’s online GCSE revision.
We're here to help your GCSE Computer Science students have the best chance to succeed with online revision from the exam experts.
Pearson Revise Online gives every student the same access to all their revision guides for Pearson Edexcel and AQA subjects. All in one place online, with quick quizzes and knowledge checks to help them prioritise their learning.
This year, teachers can get free access to the platform to use in front-of-class revision lessons in the run-up to mocks.
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor