General Qualifications Bulletin - UK - Issue 56 | Pearson qualifications

General Qualifications Bulletin - UK - Issue 56

29 April 2024

Dear Colleague, 

I hope the summer term has started well for you. As we head into the final weeks before the summer 2024 exam series begins, I’d like to thank you and your colleagues for all the incredible work you’ve done to get your students ready for their exams.

Read more

As exam papers are being despatched around the world, we’re here to support you as final preparations are made for the forthcoming assessments. This issue of the bulletin has some important information for you to share with colleagues, students, parents and carers to help and guide you through this busy period. 

Included in this issue:

  • summer 2024 support from Ofqual, JCQ and Pearson
  • Exams Officer support 
  • mobile phones and exams
  • question paper despatch dates
  • question paper security
  • cyber security
  • timetable variations
  • subject updates
  • key dates and more.

I’d also encourage you to read the Letter for schools and colleges April 2024, by Sir Ian Bauckham CBE, the new Chief Regulator at Ofqual. He talks about preparing for the summer exams, grading arrangements, resources to support schools, colleges and students, plus results days and next steps.

I appreciate there is a lot of information to digest in this edition of the bulletin, much of which focuses on the forthcoming exam season. Thank you for your support.  

As ever, if you need any more information or want to share any feedback with us, you can always get in touch via our support portal. We will always do our best to get you the answers as quickly as possible.

With best wishes,
Hayley WhiteVice President, Assessment, Standards and Services 

Student support from Ofqual, JCQ and Pearson

Help your students feel as prepared as possible for the upcoming exam season. 
In addition to all the support you provide, both Ofqual and JCQ have a range of information to help inform and guide your students during this busy time. Please take a look at the information we’ve summarised below and pass it on to your students.  

Support from Ofqual 
The Ofqual Student Guide 2024 provides students with information about this year’s arrangements for GCSE, AS and A level qualifications, and explains what support is in place when taking exams and assessments.

Read the Ofqual Student Guide 2024

Ofqual have also produced a guide for students on coping with exam pressure.

Download the guide: Coping with exam pressure – a guide for students

The new Ofqual Chief Regulator, Sir Ian Bauckham CBE, has also written a letter schools and colleges where he talks about preparing for the summer exams, grading arrangements, resources to support schools, colleges and students, plus results days and next steps.

Read the Letter for schools and colleges April 2024

Support from JCQ 
The JCQ has a range of information and support for students – from coursework and onscreen exams to written exams, along with a checklist for exam day. 

Take a look at all the support JCQ have to offer for students

Support from Pearson 
With the revision season fully under way and students begin to turn their focus towards the summer exam series, we’d like to share our Getting ready for exams guide that includes some top tips and advice including:

  • preparing for exams
  • what happens on exam day
  • where to find further support
  • what happens once exams are over.

Take a look at the guide and please pass it on to your students

Supporting wellbeing during exam season  
Everyone’s exam experience is different, and we understand that preparing for and sitting exams can be overwhelming for many.   

Our exam wellbeing support is here to help you and your students navigate this time – from the run-up to exams, exams day and beyond.

Visit the exam stress and wellbeing hub

Your students may also like to view our #examspelledout videos that explain all about the assessment process from the writing of the exam papers and modified papers to what happens to exam papers once they’ve left the school, grade boundaries and results.

View all the videos

You can stay up to date with all our support for 2024 on our Qualifications assessment support page

Did you know that the most common form of candidate malpractice every exam series is the possession of a mobile phone?

According to data published by Ofqual, possession of a mobile phone accounted for 44.5% of all cases of student malpractice - 2,180 cases - in the summer 2023 series. This was an increase on the 1,825 cases seen in the summer 2022 series.

The JCQ awarding bodies have set out the agreed sanctions for the different types of candidate malpractice, including for possession of a mobile phone. These can be found in Appendix 6 of the JCQ Suspected Malpractice Policies and Procedures. You can see that the sanctions for possession of a mobile phone are severe, because we need to maintain the security and integrity of our exams:

  • mobile phone in the candidate’s possession but no evidence of being used by the candidate – loss of marks 
  • mobile phone in the candidate’s possession and evidence of being used by the candidate – disqualification

We really want to see a reduction in this form of malpractice, which has such a significant impact on so many candidates. Please ensure that you’ve taken the following steps to help your learners avoid committing malpractice:

  • clear communication to learners and their parents about items prohibited in exams, including mobile phones 
  • clear publication and display of the JCQ exam room posters 
  • sharing the JCQ JCQ-Preparing-to-sit-your-exams-2023_24.pdf infographic with learners and their parents
  • having a member of your centre’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) deliver a pre-exam series assembly, to clearly explain the expectations of learners and the exam rules 
  • ensuring you have in place, and learners know about, a process for the safe collection and storage of their mobile phones during exams.

With the summer exam season fast approaching we want to make sure Exams Officers have all the information needed to help ensure a smooth series. Please read on for further details to support you and your team in the run up to, and during, the exam period. 

Instructions for conducting exams
If you are running examinations in 2024, it is important for you to stay up to date with the official exam regulations.

The JCQ have published the 2023/24 version of their Instructions for Conducting Examinations (ICE) document. We’ve also included this and links to all other regulatory documents in our support article that includes the JCQ ICE, BTEC ICEA and general regulations.

You can also access the Pearson Development Hub for bitesize on-demand training modules to refresh your knowledge.

Learner Work Transfer (LWT)
All learner work requiring digital submission, for both general and vocational qualifications, must be uploaded via the Learner Work Transfer platform (accessed via Edexcel Online). This will include samples for non-examined assessment moderation, BTEC moderated components and standards verification, plus BTEC external assessments. Explore our dedicated support articles for detailed guidance:

Learner Work Transfer overview & index

Support for GQ examination / moderation submissions

Languages speaking exams support
The window to conduct GCSE, A level and International GCSE MFL speaking exams is now open and closes on 17 May. For speaking exam support documents and training videos, please visit our April 2024 Languages Update.

Please ensure that your centre’s interlocutors and other staff involved in the delivery of MFL speaking assessments are familiar with the assessment requirements. 

Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 
As part of your final planning for the summer 2024 series, please take the time to ensure that you have clear records processes in place to ensure candidates are able to make use of their approved access arrangements and reasonable adjustments. You could consider doing the following: 

  • double-checking the list of learners with access arrangements with your SENCo
  • ensuring that your seating plans clearly indicate which candidates have access arrangements (JCQ ICE 11.14)
  • checking that the invigilators responsible for exams where access arrangements will be provided have been trained and are clear about the rules relating to those arrangements (e.g. how rest breaks can be given and supervised, the difference between a reader and a scribe, etc)
  • ensuring that you have sufficient invigilators for your exams where access arrangements need to be provided, including a contingency if some invigilators you have planned to invigilate are unwell on the day.

Further guidance can be found in sections 11-14 of the JCQ Instructions for Conducting Examinations.

You will have started receiving exam materials by now, but below is an update on despatch dates for the summer exam series.

Oral materials for your language oral exams and Pre-Release Material for GCE Music (9MU0/02) from 19 March onwards.

You can expect to start receiving standard and modified question papers from the following dates:

  • Edexcel Award exams: from 16 April onwards
  • General qualification exams taking place from 7 May and up until 22 May: from 24 April onwards
  • General qualification exams taking place from 23 May and up until 7 June: from 13 May onwards
  • General qualification exams taking place from 10 June onwards: from 3 June onwards.

You will be able to track your standard question paper despatch for General Qualifications via Edexcel Online.

Please ensure that appropriate colleagues are aware that question papers will be arriving soon and what they need to do with them. Question papers need to be carefully checked to ensure that you have received what you were expecting and that all question paper packs are in good condition. You should report any issues relating to question papers as soon as possible.

Whilst the vast majority of question paper deliveries marked for the attention of Exams Officers are made during normal centre hours, on rare occasions, a courier may attempt delivery when the main reception has closed, so papers cannot be stored securely. We encourage centres to inform staff to refuse these deliveries, and the papers will be redelivered.

Further information, guidance and tools can be found in: 

The yellow label service will be in place for this summer series for centres in England to return scripts. Please read the yellow label service guidance for exams officers on the government website.   

Attendance registers
You can expect to start receiving attendance registers and labels from w/c 15 April onwards. Please note, for General Qualifications there are multiple attendance register despatches ahead of and throughout the series, so you will receive your attendance registers in staggered exam date order at least two weeks ahead of exam date. 

Each despatch may also contain registers for any late entries made since the previous despatch. Attendance registers for late entries may be delivered less than two weeks ahead of exam date. 

Availability of electronic copies of question papers
Our goal is to ensure that your centre's exams run as smoothly and as stress-free for centre staff as possible. To help us achieve this goal, we would appreciate you making checks outlined below well ahead of your centre's first exam.  

If your centre requires access to electronic copies of question papers in the Summer 2024 exam series, for example if you make a very late entry or need to print onto coloured paper, they will be available to download on the Secure Download Service (SDS). This also includes audio files and transcripts for listening exams. Our recommendation is that a minimum of two members of centre staff have SDS included in their Edexcel Online (EOL) profile.

If your exam staff do not already have SDS added to their EOL profile, they will need to contact us, and be available to receive a secure call-back from our Customer Services Specialist on your centre's main telephone number. Once this call has been performed successfully, access to the SDS platform will be added to their account.  

Please see the SDS support guide for further details: Secure Download Service (SDS)

If you have centre exams staff without access to SDS, they should contact us as soon as possible, and well ahead of the Summer exam series so that we can update their account.

It is important that all exam staff can access SDS as we will not be able to send electronic question papers via Secure File Transfer (SFT) on the day of the exam without a secure call back to your centre’s main telephone number first. This could result in logistical challenges for your centre at a critical time in the day - with staff required to move between an exam hall and your reception/exam office. This may result in delays, including potentially impacting the start time of the exam in question. To avoid this please make checks to your exam staff EOL profiles (and specifically SDS) today. 

Accessing electronic copies of question papers
After consultation with Awarding Organisations, JCQ have now revised their timings for when electronic question papers are made available to centres, whether by Secure File Transfer or Secure Download Service.

These updates can be viewed in the JCQ Instructions for Conducting Examinations booklet.

This has now been increased from 45 to 60 minutes before the published exam start time.

We have also updated our Secure File Transfer (SFT) and Secure Download Service (SDS) guidance to reflect this change. 

Availability of Audio Files
Audio files will be available on the Secure Download Service 24 hours before the exam (or the Friday before, if the test is on a Monday), and transcripts will be available one hour before. 

We will not set up scheduled audio file deliveries via Secure File Transfer (SFT)

A level Maths (9MA0)
Please note, as in previous series A level Maths (9MA0) won't be included with other summer question papers, plans for your centre will be communicated in May. A level Maths (9MA0) will also not be available to download from Secure Download Service (SDS). Centres with entries who require an electronic copy will be able to request a copy via Secure File Transfer (SFT). Details on how you can request an SFT for 9MA0 will be shared with you in the communication being sent in May.

As we head towards the summer exam series, we’d like to remind you how important question paper security remains to the smooth running of exams in your centre and for the wider cohort. 

Take a look at our bitesize on-demand training on question paper security. This training module covers the importance of question paper security, how to securely handle question papers from receiving the papers right through to returning the completed scripts to Pearson, and how to recognise and report a question paper breach.

Protecting the security of your students’ data and electronic question paper materials is absolutely critical and we are committed to working with you to keep this sensitive information secure. 

As you prepare for the summer exam series, please ensure that all staff who need it have access to Edexcel Online and have a device suitable for use with our Multi Factor Authentication app. Please also ensure that accounts have been removed for any staff who have left or moved roles and no longer need access. 

Never use the same password for Edexcel Online that you use for other systems such as your email accounts. If you see any suspicious activity on your EOL account, please reset your password immediately and report the activity to Pearson. 

Please see the JCQ’s guidance for centres on cyber security for more tips on how to keep your accounts secure.

You can also visit the National Cyber Security Centre website for a range of practical cyber security advice and best practice designed for centres.

All exams are scheduled to be sat at 09:00 a.m. and 13:30 p.m. The permitted exceptions to this are detailed in sections 7 and 8 of the JCQ Instructions for Conducting Examinations

Where a timetable variation is used, candidates must be kept under examination conditions until the end of the scheduled exam time. Centres must ensure that invigilators have been trained on supervising candidates under clash supervision arrangements. More details can be found in section 7 of the JCQ Instructions for Conducting Examinations

Exams for AS Maths, AS Further Maths, A level Maths, A level Further Maths and A level Statistics must not be moved to an earlier session – more information can be found in the JCQ guidance.

If you are running examinations in 2024, it is important for you to stay up to date with the official exam regulations.

The JCQ have published the 2023/24 version of their Instructions for Conducting Examinations (ICE) document. We’ve also included this and links to all other regulatory documents in our support article that includes the JCQ ICE, BTEC ICEA and general regulations.

GCSE (9-1) Mathematics - New "Aiming For" Practice Papers

A new set of practice papers specifically designed to support students in working towards their target grade. Includes:

  • "Achieving" papers for grades 1, 2 and 3
  • "Aiming for" papers for grades 4, 5, 7 and 9

Now available on the Maths Emporium

Maths In Context (Level 3 Core Maths) - Summer 2024 exam series pre-release of Source Booklet
The pre-release Source Booklet for the summer 2024 exam series is now available for centres to download.

Download the booklet from the exam materials page 

We are working with Harris Federation to create a series of pre-recorded student walkthrough videos to help your students prepare for this summer's exam series. Student walkthrough videos for GCSE History Paper 1 and 2 are now available. We are hoping to make the Paper 3 video available at the end of April.

Take a look at the videos and pass the links on to your students

To help students better understand the GCSE History assessment requirements we’ve also created a set of student-friendly guides to different question types and command words.

Download the guides and share them with your students

A level Biology A 9BN0 Paper 3 Scientific Article
The Pearson Edexcel A Level Biology A 9BN0 Paper 3 Scientific Article for the Summer 2024 exam series is available for secure download from the teaching and learning materials page.

The article can be given to students so they can study and annotate it over the coming weeks in preparation for the Paper 3 examination paper 9BN0/03. Students are not permitted to take their annotated copy into the examination room - there will be a fresh copy provided in the examination paper. 

Religious Studies
New Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in Religious Studies

We are delighted to be able to introduce our NEW Entry Level Certificate in Religious Studies. 

We’ve listened to your feedback and after working with a range of key stakeholders, are pleased to be able to finally share this update with you. Entry Level certificates (ELC) are designed to ensure that students working below Grade 1 at GCSE have an alternative qualification to adequately reward their studies. This is in line with Pearson's pledge to "ensure all learners and educators feel included in education“, ensuring that all learners have the opportunity to succeed. 

This new ELC for Religious Studies has been designed to complement Pearson Edexcel’s GCSE Specification A qualification, when Catholic Christianity and Judaism are chosen as the two religions for study (with a 75:25 split) so can be co-taught alongside the GCSE content. This ELC can be offered as an alternative to our GCSE qualification, or students can be entered for both ELC and GCSE, or alternatively, the ELC could be used as a progression course prior to GCSE study. 

This ELC is available for first teaching September 2024 and first assessment summer 2025

You can read more about our new ELC by reading our recent update. You can also sign up to receive updates or contact our Religious Studies subject team at with any questions you may have. 

Art and Design 
As GCSE and A level Art and Design assessment and moderation draws closer, here are a few reminders to help centres prepare.

For visiting moderation, moderators will contact centres directly in mid-late April to arrange a moderation visit and marks are due 48 hours prior to this date on Edexcel Online for all learners.

Centres will need to complete the following:

  • Assessment Grid (one for each candidate)
  • Authentication Form (signed by the candidate and teacher)
  • Prepare the Component 1 and 2 sampled work for moderation.

It is also recommended to provide the Performance Calculators for A level / the Taxonomy for GCSE to support moderators with understanding your internal assessment.

All paperwork required is available in the April Subject Advisor Update.

You can also take a look at the videos below to help you understand the moderation process.

GCSE/A Level Art and Design - Understanding the Moderation Process

GCSE/A Level Art and Design - Setting Up Your Department for Moderation  

Subject Advisor support
To stay up to date, make sure you’re signed up to receive all the latest news and information from your Subject Advisor ahead of the summer 2024 exam series. Find out more about the support your Subject Advisor offers by watching a short video they’ve each created.

Take a look at your Subject Advisor's video and sign up for your subject newsletter today

Our Key Dates Finder enables you to find all of the key dates for Pearson general qualifications and subjects in one place. Here are those taking place during May 2024.





21 Apr 24

All general qualifications

Jun 24

Last day that withdrawn entries will be refunded

22 Apr 24

All general qualifications

Jun 24

Amendment fees will be charged from this date

22 Apr 24

All general qualifications

Jun 24

High late entry fees will be charged from this date

5 May 24

GCSE Physical Education 1PE0/03 (full course) and A level Physical Education 9PE0/03

Jun 24

End of moderation window - final date for centre visit or video evidence to be submitted digitally for remote moderation

15 May 24

GCSE Art & Design 1AD0/01 (and all linked endorsements) and A level Art & Design 9AD0/01 (and all linked endorsements)

Jun 24

Start of moderator visits. Marks must be submitted 48 hours prior to the moderation visits.

15 May 24

GCSE Geography A 1GA0 and Geography B 1GB0, AS & A level Geography 8GE0/9GE0

Jun 24

Deadline to submit Fieldwork Statement form

15 May 24

GCSE Physical Education 1PE0/04 and A level Physical Education 9PE0/04

Jun 24

Deadline to submit PEP/PA & PDP centre marks and samples

15 May 24

GCSE, International GCSE, AS & A level, Entry Level Certificate and Project

Jun 24

Deadline to submit centre marks and moderation samples (the exceptions to this deadline are GCSE and A level Art and Design – these marks do not need to be submitted until 48 hours before your moderator visit)

17 May 24

A level Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish

Jun 24

End of window for speaking tests

17 May 24

GCSE Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Urdu

Jun 24

End of window for speaking tests

17 May 24

International GCSE English as a Second Language

Jun 24

End of window for speaking tests

20 May 24

International GCSE IT 4IT1 02

Jun 24

Data file release available on our website

21 May 24

GCSE Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Urdu

Jun 24

Final submission deadline for recordings

31 May 24

GCSE Art & Design 1AD0/01 (and all linked endorsements) and A level Art & Design 9AD0/01 (and all linked endorsements)

Jun 24

Submission of centre marks, assessment documentation and candidate work for digital moderation (ONLY overseas centres and where visiting moderation cannot take place)

For more information on key dates for post results services please visit our Post-results services key dates page

We're looking for knowledgeable and passionate individuals to become Pearson examiners for the 2024 exam series across a variety of subjects, including Economics, Politics, Psychology, Business, History and Physics.  

Becoming an examiner is a great way to deepen your subject expertise, spread your assessment knowledge within your department and acquire valuable insights into the assessment process, empowering you to better prepare your learners for their exams. 

You can enjoy the convenience of working remotely, fitting it around your other commitments, and augmenting your income. It can also help you build your professional networks and benefit from opportunities for progression and continuous professional development.

View the current opportunities

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