General news
- 16-19 Study Programmes
- Many of you will already be planning for the introduction of the 16-19 Study Programmes from this September. Find out more here.
- Guide to BTEC Level 3 equivalencies for schools and colleges in England
- Read our summary of how the different equivalence measures affect schools, colleges and students taking BTEC Nationals at Level 3.
- Updated: DfE consultation on 16-19 accountability measures
- In March 2014 the government published its response to the 16-19 accountability consultation for England. Read our summary of the response here.
- Updated: DfE publishes qualifications for 16-19 performance tables (England) 2016
- An updated list of qualifications to be included in 16-19 performance tables for England from 2016 is now available. Read our summary and FAQs here.
- Help us shape the new BTEC Nationals courses starting from 2016
- Mary James, Head of BTEC Nationals Redevelopment at Pearson, explains how you can get involved in shaping the new BTEC Nationals courses starting from 2016.
- BTEC Nationals (2010) extended to 31 December 2017 – your options from 2016
- We've extended the last registrations date for the current BTEC Nationals (2010) to 31 December 2017.
- Applied General and Tech Level initial Lists published
- Find out what that means for your new BTEC National qualifications from September 2016.
- Updates to BTEC Nationals (2016) specifications
- Following the release of the initial Lists of Applied General and Tech Level qualifications in January 2016, we've published revised specifications for your new BTEC Nationals (2016).
- BTEC Nationals (QCF) in Technical Baccalaureates (2018 completions)
- An important notice for centres intending to use BTEC Nationals (QCF) as part of a Technical Baccalaureate (Tech Bacc).
- DfE announces final 16-19 Applied General and Tech Level lists for England (2018 results)
- The Department for Education has announced the final 16-19 Performance Measures lists for England (2018 results).
- The Sainsbury Review and Post-16 Skills Survey
- On 8 July 2016, the government published the report of an independent panel set up to review post-16 technical education (The Sainsbury Review) plus their Post-16 Skills Survey which outlines how the review’s recommendations should be implemented.
- More improvements to BTEC assessment admin
- Following feedback from teaching and training professionals across the country, we’re working on reducing the amount of assessment admin required for our BTEC qualifications.
- External assessment papers now available for Units 1 and 7
- You can now download external assessment papers for your BTEC Nationals in Art and Design.
- External assessment papers now available for Unit 3
- You can now download external assessment papers for your BTEC Nationals in Performing Arts.
- BTEC Nationals (2016 and 2017) Set Tasks - simpler guidance and clearer processes
- We’re letting you know in advance about improvements to the structure and processes for some of the externally assessed Set Tasks in your new BTEC Nationals (2016 and 2017).
- BTEC Nationals (2010) updated approval dates
- All last review dates for BTEC Nationals (2010), have now been aligned to 31st August 2019.
- Changes to 'must pass' rule for BTEC Nationals
- Ofqual announces changes to level 3 qualifications for learners who narrowly miss a pass grade
- Change to dates and times for Unit 1 and Unit 5 exam papers
- Change to dates and times for Unit 1 and Unit 5 exam papers
- More about changes for 'narrow miss' passes on BTEC Nationals
- Ofqual announces changes to level 3 qualifications for learners who narrowly miss a pass grade
- BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Art & Design: New assessment window added for Unit 6
- For 2019 only, to ease the crowded summer exam timetable, we have added an additional exam window.
- New Pearson BTEC International Level 3 qualifications launching for first teaching in 2020
- Our new Pearson BTEC International Level 3 qualifications will be available for first teaching from April 2020, with specifications available online from October 2019.
- Student transfer process for QCF
- We recently let you know about the Department for Education’s (DfE) decision to remove funding from pre-existing level 3 QCF qualifications. This removal of funding applies from 1 August 2020, in England only.
- The vision to deliver exceptional training
- How Specsavers worked with Pearson to develop a bespoke training programme that will future-proof their business and motivate their people.
- All 12 Pearson Level 3 qualifications approved for funding from September 2025 in England
- We are pleased to announce that all 12 of our BTEC Level 3 qualifications have been approved for funding and will be available for first teaching from September 2025
- Secretary of State Bridget Phillipson announces Pause and Review of the Level 3 reforms
- Today Bridget Phillipson announced the next steps on the pause and review of the post-16 level 3 and below reforms.
- Post-16 Level 3 vocational qualifications reform update
- Following yesterday’s announcement, we are pleased to confirm that the following qualifications will continue to be available for registration and funding for 2024/25 in England.
- The future of post-16 level 3 and below vocational qualification
- In July the DfE announced an immediate pause and review of the post-16 vocational qualification reform in England.
- Pearson responds to outcome of Department for Education review of post-16 qualification reform
- Today, the DfE published the outcome of their rapid review of level 3 qualifications. The aim of the review was to determine which qualifications will be funded for 16-19 learners in England for the 2025/26 academic year.
- Latest updates on Level 3 qualification funding in England
- Yesterday, the DfE published the outcomes of the Review of Qualifications Reform at Level 3 in England. This confirms which qualifications will be funded for 16–19 learners in England for the academic years 2025/26 and 2026/27.
- Update on Level 3 qualification funding in England and topping up BTEC learners
- Learn how the defunding of certain Level 3 qualifications from 1 August 2025 will impact centres who use a top-up model with their BTEC learners.