BTEC Nationals (2016 and 2017) Set Tasks - simpler guidance and clearer processes | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Nationals (2016 and 2017) Set Tasks - simpler guidance and clearer processes

7 March 2017

We’re letting you know in advance about improvements to the structure and processes for some of the externally assessed Set Tasks in your new BTEC Nationals (2016 and 2017).

Updated 20 March 2017

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Why are we making changes?

During February 2017, the DfE asked us to make improvements to the externally assessed Set Tasks as part of their annual review of qualifications for inclusion in post-16 performance measures (2019 results). We responded as soon as we received their feedback to ensure the qualifications could be:

  • included on post-16 performance measures (2019 results)
  • eligible for 19-23 entitlement funding.

What are the changes?

These improvements include creating simpler guidance and clearer processes for Set Tasks and you’ll see the changes marked in each specification and in your Sample Assessment Materials (SAMs).

We’ve also created a simple, at-a-glance summary of the changes which you’ll find on the relevant specification web pages and we’re updating all the relevant support materials.

When do the changes come into effect?

Some of the changes will take effect from April-May 2017 assessments, while others will start with the 2018 series; we’ve given you some Quick Links below so it’s easy to know which is which.

Choose the course you’re teaching to explore the changes:

BTEC Nationals (2016 and 2017) courses where changes to Set Task external assessments take effect


Here to help

If you want to talk through what this means for you, do get in touch with your specialist Subject teams – you’ll find contact details on the course pages.


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