When combined with academic learning in a school or college (or as a stand-alone course in further or higher education), BTEC Nationals develop practical knowledge and skills which help learners to prepare for – and progress in – their chosen career.
Along with A levels, BTEC Nationals are the most widely-recognised qualification to get into university. Over 99% of UK universities accept students with a relevant BTEC qualification, including universities from the Russell Group.
- Guide for BTEC Level 3 Students on Progression to Higher Education.
This guide gives information on the types of HE courses available and examples of degree programmes related to the BTEC subject they are studying. It also gives links to websites, including UCAS and the Complete University Guide, that will help them make their choices and support them through the whole application process. Please share this with your learners.
- Guide for Tutors in UK Schools and Colleges on the Progression of BTEC Level 3 Students to UK Higher Education.
This gives guidance on how you can support your learners in their application to HE. Again it contains links to helpful pages on websites of other organisations such as UCAS.
> View Guide for Tutors in UK Schools and Colleges
Universities have informed us that students who have taken a BTEC National face some difficulties in completing their UCAS application form (referred to by UCAS as the Apply form). This is because there is a long list of BTEC titles to choose from.
It is important that students fill out their UCAS Apply form accurately and completely in order to maximise their chances of getting the right offer. To help with this, we have produced the following presentation with commentary that you can use with your students to guide them through the process of completing the Apply form.
The presentation runs through one example for students who have taken a QCF BTEC National and one for students who have taken a reformed RQF BTEC National.
Watch 'Guidance for BTEC Students on completing their UCAS Apply form'
BTEC has earned a worldwide reputation as a premier applied learning qualification because it provides learners with a clear route into their career. Today’s employers are looking for a confident, work ready employees who have practical knowledge and technical skills that are taught when studying a BTEC.