BTEC Nationals Employer involvement

BTEC Nationals (2016) give you the opportunity to get local employers involved in the teaching of the qualifications.
Here's how it works.
BTEC Nationals 2016 - Employer involvement

Students get a taste of their career through direct contact with employers as part of their study
In Tech Level qualifications, students have the opportunity to learn first-hand from practising professionals and real employment environments, allowing them to fully appreciate what’s involved in their chosen career – not just in theory, but in practice:
- Activities can take place inside a workplace (eg structured work experience aligned to unit content), and/or
- Employers can be involved in the delivery of the qualification content, as guest lecturers, setting or assessing assignments
You select the best blend of activities to meet the learning outcomes of designated units
In units where employer involvement is mandatory, you have freedom to select the best combination of activities to meet the unit’s learning outcomes. You can tailor programs that allow learners to really engage with the world of work, and which can be practically delivered in your local area:
We’re creating best-practice guides for several sectors as examples for you to work from. Please check back here for updates
There are no requirements to use certain types or combinations of activities if they are not practical in your local area
Some activities may not be sufficient if delivered in isolation, or if delivered in too general a manner
- You can find more guidance in section 1, 4 and 8 of your qualification specification.
Quality assured through existing Pearson processes
We verify employer involvement through existing quality and verification visits. You can use your own forms and documentation within these reviews.
An Annual Centre Quality Review programme will check that employer involvement plans exist at the organisation level
Standards verification samples will now include one unit that requires employer involvement during the first year of programmes.
- We don’t require you to use our documentation for this part of these reviews; you can use your own documents, forms and systems.