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Qualification approval
Already an approved Pearson centre? You can gain approval for most of our qualifications on Edexcel Online. Find out more here.
If you're already an approved Pearson centre, you can gain approval for most of our qualifications on Edexcel Online, as long as you're already delivering a similar qualification at the same level or below. (If you're not already an approved centre, find out how to become one here.)
You must also have active learners and at least one Standards Verifier (SV) report which confirms the release of certification on a qualification at the same level.
There are some sectors which are excluded from receiving qualification approval online. These include:
- all security qualifications
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- former IHCD qualifications
- some childcare and self-regulated framework qualifications.
Top FAQs for qualification approval
There are some qualification sectors that cannot be approved automatically through Edexcel Online. These qualifications and sectors are:
- security
- former IHCD qualifications
- some childcare qualifications.
Much like NVQ and BTEC automatic approval, there are prerequisites to gain approval for BTEC Apprenticeships. These are:
- existing approval of NVQ and/or BTEC component up to level requested
- learners registered
- SV release.
Please talk to your business development/sales manager for further information.