International GCSEs English as a Second Language (ESL) (2017)

Teaching from: 2017
External assesment from: 2019
Last external assessment: June 2025
Here you’ll find everything you need to study for or to teach the Edexcel International GCSE (9–1) English as a Second Language, including key documents and the latest news.
The qualification has been developed with the help of teachers, higher education representatives and subject expert groups.It supports progression to further study, with up-to-date content reflecting the latest thinking in the subject. Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9–1) is comparable to the UK reformed GCSEs in terms of the level of demand and assessment standards.
Rebecca Waker

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Teaching support and training

Published resources
To support effective classroom delivery, we've developed a range of published resources for the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9–1), with progression, relevance and support at their core.