A new updated version of our online assessments will allow teachers to be able to quickly diagnose and plan learning for each student.

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GCSE Maths FE Online Diagnostic Assessments 

We have created online quizzes using past questions from the 1MA1 GCSE Mathematics specification to create online diagnostic assessments that students can complete in under an hour.  

These assessments consist of 31 questions across the 28 topics to provide teachers with a quick and easy-to use-solution to understand your students’ strengths and areas for focus.

Learn more in the gcse-maths-fe-online-diagnostic-assessments-key.topics document below

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Accessing the Assessments 

The short video below can help guide you through how to access the assessments:

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There are two options available for you access the assessments. 

Option 1 – Online version  

  1. Use the link below to open the online quiz .
  2. Click the ‘duplicate’ button at the top of the screen to download the template.  
  3. Use the settings to customise your quiz as needed (e.g. Select who can complete the quiz, set a time limit, end date or include a thank you message).
  4. Share your copy of the quiz with your students to collect their results.  
  5. Click ‘Responses’ to view analysis of your students’ responses.   

Access assessment A online form

Access assessment B online form

Option 2 – Offline version 

You can also download the pdf versions of the tests for your students to complete offline. The answers are provided at the end of the document. 

The below zip file contains two assessments, each consisting of 31 questions across 28 key topics to provide teachers with a quick and easy-to use-solution to understand your students’ strengths and areas for focus. You can use the assessments at different points in the year to monitor progress and to shift areas of focus where necessary.

Access the offline version of the assessments

Further support

If you need any further support, please contact our subject advisor for maths on teachingmaths@pearson.com