BTEC Nationals Assess and track

Assess and track
To help you deliver high-quality assessment, we have a range of free tools and resources, including our myBTEC service, which can help you monitor your learners' progress.
Understand the standard
Each year, your Lead Internal Verifier will run a standardisation training course with the BTEC Nationals programme teams in a subject area. That means you can be confident in the standard from the outset – and you have a chance to refresh your knowledge every year.
You’ll also have more examples of Sample Marked Learner Work, Authorised Assignment Briefs and specimen papers available for reference:
- Guide to Standardisation Training
- Quality Assurance Handbook
- Sample Marked Learner Work (coming soon)
- Authorised Assignment Brief
- Sample assessments and specimen papers.
Assess to the standard
There’s plenty of support for writing assignments, including a Guide and a range of Authorised Assignment Briefs:
Apply the standard
Find out about the role of your Standards Verifier and the Quality Assurance process:
Maintain the standard
Each year your Centre Quality Reviewer will visit your Quality Nominee to ensure you have everything in place to support and deliver the highest assessment standards for your students.
After each assessment series we’ll publish an Examiner's report, and you can use myBTEC to plan your assessment and monitor your leaners' progress:
- Examiner reports (coming soon)
- myBTEC.