Support for A level History teachers | Pearson qualifications

Support for A level History teachers

Tue May 08 23:15:00 UTC 2018

With the 2018 AS and A level exams fast approaching, we would like to make sure you’re equipped with the key information of how we’ll be supporting you both before and after results day.

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Common questions asked by teachers

Here are responses to some of the FAQs we’re receiving from teachers about the AS and A level exams:

  1. Will the exams take place in order?

    Yes. For AS, Paper 1 is examined on 16 May and paper 2 on 22 May. For A level, Paper 1 is examined on 6 June, Paper 2 on 13 June and Paper 3 on 19 June.

  2. Where can I find more information about the assessments?

    The Getting Started Guide is a very useful document and provides lots of detail on the requirements of each question.

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Preparing for the assessments

You can download the presentation and delegate documents for our Getting Ready To Teach and Mocks Marking training events. The qualification page also contains other support materials, including past papers and examiner reports as well as several packs of exemplar responses.

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Ask our Subject Advisor

As you know, our team of experts is always ready to help. You can get in touch with our History Subject Advisor, Mark Battye, either by contacting us or via Twitter @Pearson_History.

Don’t forget that you can stay up-to-date with important qualification information and History-related news, by signing up to Mark’s History Subject Advisor Updates.

Post-results day services

The results day for AS and A level is on 16 August 2018.

You’ll be pleased to know that, as per last summer, you’ll be able to download your students’ summer 2018 examination scripts free of charge using the Access to Scripts Self-Service Portal. Please ensure that you have obtained consent from the candidates before requesting scripts.

If you have queries about this summer’s results, you can get access to scripts and apply for an EAR (Enquiry About Results). Information on the post-results services available – including details of prices and relevant deadlines – can be found on our website.

However, you can have confidence and trust in the results your students receive from us, as research from Ofqual across all exam boards shows that the summer 2017 exam results released by Pearson, across all GCSE and A level subjects, were the most accurate of all. 99.2% of our grades were accurate on results day, fewer Pearson GCSE and A level grades were challenged and fewer grades were changed than those of any other major exam board.

You will be able to download the Summer 2018 question papers and mark schemes from the relevant qualification page from early August, and the examiner reports will be available from results day.

ResultsPlus will be available for you to analyse your students’ results in detail. You will be able to use your Edexcel online username and password to access ResultsPlus.

Principal Examiner reports will be available via ResultsPlus from results day and will be on the qualification pages a few days later. An individual centre moderator report (E9) will also be available to download from results day via Edexcel Online.

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We hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at


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