Information for Results day 2023 | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Information for Results day 2023

25 July 2023

BTEC Results day information for August 2023

Read more

Read the latest information on BTEC Firsts, BTEC Tech Award (2017) in Health and Social Care and BTEC Nationals in Health and Social care, including information for results day. 

Resulkts support 2023

Results day dates

External Assessment

The Lead Examiner's report for each externally assessed unit will also be published online on results day. You can find the results for externally assessed units for your cohorts via Edexcel Online.

You will be able to see the grades, raw marks and UMS points score. This will allow you to see how the overall grade was calculated. 

Converting marks, points and grades

Finding External Assessment results

Access to Scripts

After the summer 2023 results are published in August, centres will be able to view and download scripts which have been marked online free of charge from our self-service portal via Edexcel Online.

Customers should save and/or print any scripts they need for teaching and learning purposes before the deadline. Scripts do not have examiner annotation on them. The marked script allows teachers to evaluate how the student performed on particular questions in relation to what they have been taught; the Lead Examiner's report and the exemplars that we make available demonstrate how the mark scheme is applied.If scripts have been marked "traditionally" (i.e. not online), centres will have to request them via the Post Results section of Edexcel Online as in previous exam series. These scripts will also be free of charge, but the final dates to request them are the same as the published JCQ Access to Scripts deadlines.

Access to scripts


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ResultsPlus is our online results analysis tool for teachers. Included as part of your qualification fees, ResultsPlus gives you a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance in Pearson Edexcel exams and BTEC external assessments.

Why should I use ResultsPlus?

  • Provides detailed analysis of your learners performance.Identify potential topics, skills and types of question where students may need to develop their learning further.
  • See actual scores for each exam question for a student, class or group.Understand how your students’ performance compares with class and Pearson Edexcel national averages.
  • Acquire data that may support effective learning and teaching approaches. 


Post results service

Review of marking and moderation (RoMM)

If you're a centre with a concern about a student's results, you can use our post-results services. We have details about these services and their cost online.

Post results service

Post results fees

Details of all updated fees for our post results services from August 2022 can be found online.

Fees for Post results service

Subject advisor


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