June Subject Advisors update | Pearson qualifications

June Subject Advisors update

Mon Jun 12 09:53:00 UTC 2023

The June update from your Subject Advisor

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Welcome to the June update. I hope you had a good break for half term. With the exams for BTECs finished you can start planning for next year with the dates for the Winter exams being published. 

Results days

The results days will be slightly different this year. Results will be sent to centres Exams Officers before they can be released to Learners. 

BTEC Nationals

Results will be sent to Exams Officers on 09/08/23, they can be released to Learners on 17/08/23. 

BTEC Firsts, Technical and Tech Award (2017)

Results will be released to Exams Officers on 16/08/23, they can be released to Learners on 24/08/23.

New Tech Award (2022)

Results of the moderation for the new Tech Award (2022) will be released to centres on 23/08/23 and can be released to Learners on 24/08/23. 

Exam timetables for Winter 2024

The exam timetables for the winter 2024 exams has now been finalised. You can see all the dates for all BTEC qualifications. 

Exam timetables

You can also see the provisional dates for Summer 2024 , they are subject to change as they are not finalised. 

Provisional Summer 2024 timetables

BTEC Tech Award (2022)

Moderation Guidance

There is some really useful guidance on the moderation process for the new Tech Award. It explains the process really clearly and has some useful links to documents. 

Moderation Guidance

New release dates for the PSA

Following your feedback, we will be releasing all Pearson Set Assignments one month earlier within each series. This will give you more time to spend preparing for and administering the assessments.From September onwards, the Pearson Set Assignments will be released as follows:   

  • December/January Assessment Series- Early September
  • May/June Assessment Series-Early January 

Level 3 reforms

BTEC Nationals in Early Childhood Development briefing session.

This is an opportunity to discuss the new BTEC Extended Certificate in Early Childhood Development first teach September 2025. We would really value your feedback in supporting the new design of the qualification. 

Wednesday 28 June 16.00-17.00

Keep up to date with all the reform information, including final registration dates. 

Level 3 reform news

Subject advisor


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