July 2023 Teaching Science update | Pearson qualifications

July 2023 Teaching Science update

12 July 2023

Welcome to the July Teaching Science update for UK and International Science qualifications at KS4 and KS5. In this update teachers can find information about results day and other items of interest such as the availability of exam materials and science podcasts. There is also an opportunity to provide feedback on the Summer exams. 

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Ofqual blog on 2023 exam results: 10 things to know about GCSE, AS and A level grades

Ofqual have published a blog with 10 things to know about GCSE, AS and A level grading and results this summer. A link to the blog is provided for you below. 

Read the Ofqual blog

Hot off the press: Pearson School Report 2023

The brand-new Pearson School Report explores education in England and how educators are pioneering change in 2023.

Featuring the views of 6,000+ teachers and 1,000 students, the report shares experiences from both sides of the school desks and invaluable insights on:

  • challenges and opportunities facing schools 
  • sustainability and climate education 
  • digital innovation – the positives, possibilities and problems to solve 
  • diversity, equity and inclusion.

Read the report online and have your say on social media via #PearsonSchoolReport. 

Summer 2023 results dates

Results to students will be issued on the following dates.

Qualification Date results are issued to students
GCSE & International GCSE Thursday 24 August
A level & IAL Thursday 17 August

Getting ready for results day

To help you prepare for results day for GCSE, International GCSE, A level and IAL Science qualifications, please refer to the 'Getting ready for result day update'.  This includes information on the following and other items of interest.

  • Grade boundaries and where to find them
  • Access to scripts
  • Post results services
  • Appeals
  • IAL results information page
  • Results support for students, parents and carers

Read the 'Getting ready for Summer 2023 results day' update

Availability of Summer 2023 exam materials

Exam materials from the Summer 2023 exam series have and will be made available on our website for secure download on the following dates.

Assessment materials Date available on website
Question Papers Tuesday 4 July
Mark Schemes Tuesday 18 July
GCE Examiner Reports Tuesday 22 August
GCSE Examiner Reports Tuesday 29 August

Edexcel Online access rights

You may wish to check your access rights in your Edexcel Online account so that you can access the information you need on results days and tools such as Results Plus and 'Exam viewer' to access to scripts.

Wellbeing hub - support through to results day

Our Exam Wellbeing Hub is available to support students and their families through every step of the exam journey through to results day. Alongside guidance and top tips, there are also details of charities and organisations that can help with mental health and wellbeing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Explore our Exam Wellbeing Hub  

Our Wellbeing Zone is also available all year round to support teachers, students and family with mental health and wellbeing.  

Ofqual Student Guide

Earlier this year Ofqual published a Student Guide that provides information about exams and assessments. It also includes information about what happens after exams i.e .marking, grading, getting results etc. so you may wish to share this guide with your students.

Pearson 'View from the lab' podcast 'Where did everybody go? Recruiting and retaining more science teachers' with Dr Sarah Longshaw

In this episode of the View from the Lab podcast we're talking about the thorny issue of recruitment and retention of science teachers. Andy Woods’s guest is Sarah Longshaw from STEM learning. Sarah has deep experience of the education sector, with her 25 plus years in the classroom and has also supported schools and science teachers in her role as a trainer. In this episode we explore the many factors that could be affecting the perennial problem we seem to have in holding on to our science teachers In England. We talk through some facts and figures about the current scale of the problem, we discuss the causes, the effects, and possibly some solutions to address this current challenge we face in our schools and colleges.

Pearson publishing research seeking your expertise on GCSE revision

The Pearson publishing team is exploring how to best support learners and teachers with exam preparation and revision for GCSEs in a post-Covid digital age.

They would love to hear from you if you are a Head of Department or in any management role in a school or multi-academy trust, involved in delivery of the GCSE curriculum. You do not need to be delivering a Pearson qualification in order to participate. 

The research will involve an online focus group discussion and/or a shorter online questionnaire to complete in your own time. You can find out more and also express your interest to participate in either of these types of research by completing this online form.

The publishing team will get back to you if they would like to have further conversations and may not be able to respond to everyone who completes the form.

After attendance, compensation can be provided in the form of free Pearson Revise titles for your school/college/trust, or alternatively independent book vouchers.

Opportunity to provide feedback on GCSE Science published resources

If you are using Pearson GCSE ActiveLearn and GCSE Combined Science Support Edition, the Pearson publishing team would like to know what you think of these. See links below to two short questionnaires that you can fill in to provide your feedback.

GCSE Science ActiveLearn - We'd like to know how you're finding the GCSE Science ActiveLearn resources. What's working well and what can we improve to meet your needs. Fill out this short questionnaire to let us know your thoughts and be in with a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

GCSE Combined Science Support Edition - We'd like to know how you're finding the GCSE Combined Science Support Edition. What's working well and what can we improve to meet your needs. Fill out this short questionnaire to let us know your thoughts and be in with a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

Finally, on behalf of the Pearson Edexcel Science team, thank you for all your hard work and dedication in supporting your students in the lead up to the exams -  we hope you have a well deserved rest over the Summer holidays.

Subject advisor


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