T Levels March 2024 update
Welcome to March's T Level update.
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The entry window for core component assessments for the summer 2024 series is now open. You must make an entry for every student wishing to enter the assessment.
If you are making resit entries, please ensure you are familiar with the resit rules, which you can find in the TQ specification, or watch our support video on assessment, results and resits on our training and admin support page.
We will send component results from the autumn 2023 series to providers on 20 March 2024. These will come into your exams officer’s Edexcel Online mailbox and will consist of a statement of results (one PDF per student) and a broadsheet of results for all students at the centre across all Technical Qualification components. The release of these component results to students is embargoed until 21 March 2024.
Component results are not the same as overall T Level results, which are be provided by the DfE on the August results day through the manage T Level results service.
You can still make Technical Qualification registrations for students commencing this academic year. We are now in the very late registration period, meaning registrations received from now will be subject to a very late fee.
The approval window will open in February for providers commencing delivery in September 2024. You must gain approval for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.
Please watch our provider approval video before starting your application process.
You can find support documents and approval forms on our training and admin support page, including:
- A guide to provider approval
- Guidance document Pearson vocational provider approval application for T Level Technical Qualifications
- Pearson T Level Technical Qualification delivery approval application form
- Pearson vocational provider approval application for T Level Technical Qualifications
If you have any questions about provider approval, please contact us via the Pearson support portal.
For wider support, answering queries and networking you can join the following subject groups:
We are collaborating with the Gatsby Foundation on resources for our T Levels, and they hope to create new teaching and CPD support resources soon for selected topics in the core, based on provider feedback.
Remember that CITB offers grants to employers who take on T Level students in industry placements. Please share this with your employers and encourage them to apply.
> Read more about CITB’s Into Work grant
As the Hazardous Materials Occupational Specialism will be replaced with a new ‘Construction Management’ specialism, we are keen to get your employers’ views on the design of the new specialism.
> Please forward this short survey to any interested parties
We are pleased to announce that last week we received confirmation that the T Level in Craft and Design and the T Level in Media, Broadcast and Production have been formally approved by IfATE and Ofqual.
We have published draft pre-publication version of the specifications on our website. These are the version submitted to IfATE and Ofqual for approval. Following approval, we do not expect there to be any major changes to the specification or assessments, therefore please use the draft pre-publication version to assist your planning for 2024 delivery.
> Download the specifications from our our Technical Qualification page
Updated versions of the qualification descriptions for each T Level will be published shortly in the useful documents sections of the TQ webpage. These will give you more information about the qualification and support your recruitment in the autumn term.
We are running further walkthrough sessions for these new T Levels this week:
- T Level in Craft & Design walkthrough, 21 March 2-4 p.m.
- T Level in Media, Broadcast and Production walkthrough, 22 March 2-4 p.m.
> Browse all our upcoming training events and book your place
We are working on teaching and assessment support resources, so look out for these in the coming months:
- Delivery guides and schemes of work – April 2024
- Recorded training for OS assessments – May 2024
- Live online training – T Level overview and Core assessments – June/July 2024
We are creating an expert panel to advise and update on the Digital T Level for future Q&A network events. If you are interested in joining and sharing your experiences, please email david.pautsch@pearson.com.
We have launched our curriculum planners. There are separate summer and autumn versions to reflect the recent decoupling.
If you have feedback on the resources, please take the time to complete this short survey.
Gatsby have been working on resources for the Digital T Level that will support teaching and learning. These have been created by industry experts like Raspberry Pi and our own examiners to support you in class. They will be rolled out starting this term, so watch this space and keep an eye on Gatsby's website.
We have worked with Cisco and their Networking Academy on teaching resources for Python and other programming languages used in the Occupational Specialism. It's completely free to sign up and become a Cisco Networking Academy centre.
> Access the resources and find out more at the Cisco Networking Academy
Legal Services:
We’ve recently added several resources to support your delivery, including schemes of work for the Core and OS components, exemplar materials for the Employer Set Project, and a Content Overview for Core Paper 2. More resources will be coming soon.
> Access all resources via the course materials web page
Finance and Accounting:
Curriculum planners for the Core and Occupational Specialism components are now available on the course materials page. Don’t forget about our professional body support for the Accounting Occupational Specialism.
The CII have a dedicated T Levels page to support you. If you’re interested in being involved with the CII T Levels, especially in relation to the industry placements, they will be able to help you find local employers to suit your needs; please contact them via the form on their page.
> Find out more about the CII support for T Levels
The ACCA are planning an employer webinar to gain their interest in supporting your student's industry placements. More news to come, but please contact them via rob.alder@accaglobal.com if you’d like to speak with them and discuss how your students are accessing placements and progression into employment after their T Level in Accounting.
> Explore our employer partnerships for accounting, including links to ACCA support
Please express your interest if you would like to join our Provider Validation Panel and be part of the development process. This will give you the opportunity to feed into the content and assessment, making sure it is appropriate and accessible for your students and manageable for you to deliver as a provider.
Our training and admin support page gathers everything you need to support your T Level delivery, from training and events to videos and documents to assist in administrating the qualifications.
- On-demand training such as Getting to Know the Specification, Employer Set Project training, Keeping it Simple materials, and our termly policy update.
- T Level live training where you can search for events and book Q&A networks, Getting Ready to Teach events, Getting Ready to Assess events.
- Our training archive collects recordings of past events if you are unable to attend any of our live training sessions or want to listen again.
- Administration documents and support, including key dates schedules, Provider approval guidance, administration support guides for assessment, videos to support making registrations and entries, understanding resit rules, and much more.
> Bookmark our training and administration support page and explore the resources on offer
There won’t be an online Q&A session in the summer term, but you can join us at one of our face-to-face events on The Inside Track on T Levels – best practice and guidance. We will focus on transitioning to T Levels in your curriculum from other vocational qualifications, bringing T Level to life and sharing good practice from experienced Providers. We'll look at how to tackle some of the challenges we know you’re facing, such as industry placements, funding, and Level 2 transition.
> See more details and book your place
For individual support, you can book a call with our subject advisor. This is available via the book an appointment with a subject advisor link on the subject advisors page, where you’ll also see information about your subject advisor and the support they offer. This is a 15-minute call where you can discuss any issue you are having with regards to planning or delivery of your T Level.
> Find your subject advisor and book your call
The Education Training Foundation (ETF) holds the DfE contract to support Providers on the delivery of T Levels, and they have a range of professional development material specifically created to support all those that deliver T Levels.
If you’d like to know more, get in touch with your Area Relationship and Development Lead who will be able to walk you through all the ETF support.