Pearson Edexcel GCSE French (2024) | Pearson qualifications

Pearson Edexcel GCSEs French (2024)

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March 2025 Languages Update

Subject update | Mon Mar 03 10:10:00 UTC 2025

In this March 2025 Languages update you will find a range of free resources on careers, language learning and football and our Mother Language day resouce. You can also find the answers to some frequently asked questions on our 2024 GCSEs in French, German and Spanish as well as where to find our latest training offer.

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GCSE (2024) Mark Sheets for Writing and Speaking

We have recently released a set of one-page mark sheets for writing and speaking. We hope you find these useful when assessing students throughout the course.

Foundation Speaking

Higher Speaking

Foundation Writing

Higher Writing


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GCSE (2024) Mock Papers - Explained

GCSE French, German and Spanish (2024) Papers available for Mock exams
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GCSE (2024) Training and Support

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We have recently released a number of new training opportunities focusing on the writing and speaking papers. These events are called ‘Unpacking the Writing Exam’ and ‘Unpacking the Speaking exam’. We are also continuing to run our Spotlight on Writing sessions and offering more opportunities to attend our Effective Phonics Teaching training.

Additionally, we will be releasing on demand training courses for writing and speaking which will allow you to work through at your own pace, learning about the mark schemes, applying it for yourselves and learning from our examiners.

Beyond training courses we have a wide range of exemplar material available in the Teaching and Learning materials section of the relevant language qualification page. These cover all the speaking and writing tasks as well as the dictation in the listening.

View all of our GCSE (2024) training opportunities

Free resources for all qualifications

In celebration of International Mother Language Day on 21 Feb, we have created a resource that promotes linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism within the UK. In this resource, we dive into the top five non-English languages spoken in the UK, including Polish, Romanian, Punjabi, Urdu and Portuguese. Explore our jam-packed guide to words, histories and cultures from across the country, plus fun facts and activities to connect students with the power of languages.

Download the International Mother Language Day resource


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In partnership with Mingalaba's Steve Eadon, we have interviewed a diverse range of professionals within the football industry. From business executives to players and journalists, they all share their unique journey with language learning and how it has had a massive impact on their career opportunities as well as their personal growth.

View our languages and football resources

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We’ve created a selection of fun activities and inspirational content to demonstrate the wide variety of careers and opportunities available to students who speak more than one language.​ Whether you’re looking for activities as starters, ideas for homework, stand-alone activities or inspiration for a whole lesson, look no further!

Download the Careers in the Spotlight resouce

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Association for Language Learning - Language World


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On 14th- 15th March we will be sponsoring and attending Language World at the Chesford Grange Hotel in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. The theme of the conference this year is Weaving a rich tapestry: our languages, our world(s).

This year’s programme looks excellent, as always, with a wide variety of speakers on various topics related to languages teaching and learning.

We’re looking forward to seeing lots of you there, so please do visit us in the exhibition to speak about our qualifications and resources.

Entry Deadlines and Summer 2026 Provisional Timetables

Don't forget to make your summer 2025 entries for International GCSE and International A Level qualifications by 21 March 2025. Late entries will be charged from 22 March, so make sure that you don't miss this deadline.

The entry deadline for International GCSE and International A Level Languages is 21 March 2025.

Read more on the entry process


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The Provisional timetables for Summer 2026 are now available on our Provisional timetables page.

View the timetables

The feedback window will run until Friday 21st March. Please send any feedback to

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