Supporting our International partners during COVID-19 | Pearson qualifications

Supporting our International partners during COVID-19

Wed May 13 13:00:00 UTC 2020

Consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other general qualifications.

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BTEC - Letter to teachers and tutors whose students are receiving results this week   

Last updated 11 August 2021 

Today we have written a letter to all BTEC teachers and tutors whose students are receiving their results this week.    

All of our previous communications can be found in the News Archive.

BTEC Level 4 HNC and Level 5 HND

We released detailed guidance (PDF | 964 KB) on how centres can deliver their internally verified assessments to enable teaching to continue, where practicable. Centres are also encouraged to attend training (PDF | 964 KB) for more information. 

The BTEC Higher Nationals will have a separate guide covering the calculated results process, which will follow once the Ofqual consultation has concluded.

BTEC Level 3 Nationals (QCF, 2010), BTEC Level 2 International (SRF), Customised (SRF)

BTEC Level 2 International (SRF) and the Customised (SRF) suites of qualifications sit outside the Ofqual consultation because they are only available internationally and are not funded in the UK.  

We do, however, recognise that the main purpose of these qualifications is to aid progression to the next stage in learners’ lives -  whether that is into employment or further study.  For these three suites, international learners will either be able to complete the assessment as normal, supported by remote verification by Pearson, or potentially follow a calculated results approach (PDF | 964 KB).

Formal assessment

Therefore, we do not require or expect any formal assessment for BTEC to take place while learners are studying at home. Whilst not a requirement, we are encouraging and supporting continued learning at home during this time, so when learners return to school or college, progress to HE, an apprenticeship, or work, they have the knowledge and skills they need to continue with confidence.  

Further information

For further information and guidance, please see our FAQs. We will be holding live webinars on Monday 18th May and Tuesday 19th May at 8.30am (BST). 

Register your interest

We have recently contacted all of our international centres to ascertain what stage of delivery you are at, and what impact Covid-19 and any associated lockdown restrictions may have had on your delivery and assessment. If you have not returned your survey please can you do so as soon as possible to enable us to support the next steps. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us via email:

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time. We will continue to keep you updated.

Best wishes,
Cindy Rampersaud
Senior Vice President, BTEC and Apprenticeships


Additional Resources available

Update 7 April 2020

We want to reassure you that we're continuing to work hard to ensure you have the resources and tools you need to deliver lessons online, and to support your students’ learning from home. We're continuing to develop additional support and resources and will make them available to you as soon as they are available.

BTEC Nationals resouces now available to support online teaching

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Assessment arrangements in light of Covid-19

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Support for you to deliver remote and online learning

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Seven strategies for effective online teaching

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Supporting delivery of BTEC Higher Nationals

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