Economics | Pearson qualifications


Subject update | Tue Aug 27 09:30:00 UTC 2024

International GCSE Economics: assessment support

The purpose of this page is to help you understand our assessment of International GCSE Economics.

The section headed 'Support' includes links which take you to past papers and mark schemes, to examWizard where you can build your own papers, to a recorded feedback event, and to exemplar answers.

The Examiners' Reports section includes advice from the senior examiners on how to respond to each of the command verbs used in the excams.

The last section provides you with the grade boundaries and statistics from past exam series.

Read more

You may also be interested in a sister page which tries to support your delivery of the qualification.


Past question papers, mark schemes and examiners' reports are available on the qualification page.

These are kept locked for the first nine months after an examination series and you will require an Edexcel Online username and password to gain access.

'R' papers

You may have noticed that the list of exam materials for June 2019 includes two sets of papers. For example there is a Paper 1 and there is also a Paper 1R. 'R' papers are produced for different time zones.

What this means is that you have an extra set of past exam papers you can use for mocks!

Onscreen mocks are now available for International GCSE Economics

International GCSE Economics  will have the first onscreen assessment available from 2024.

Make sure you’re signed up for the latest onscreen assessment news to find out how to register your school.

The Pearson onscreen sandbox (test environment) gives students all the practice they need to explore the platform’s functionality and build their confidence before they sit their exams onscreen.

It’s easy to register for an account: just click on Register for an account and enter your email address as your user ID.

The materials are digitised in the same platform as the mock and high-stakes onscreen exams and are a good opportunity for teachers and students to get to know the platform and functionality available.

Whilst the user experience mirrors what can be expected from the mocks and high-stakes assessments, please note that any solutions submitted through the sandbox environment by candidates will not be saved.


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Our examWizard tool is an online resource containing a huge bank of past paper questions and support materials to help you create your own mock exams and assessments. It is available for a range of GCSE, International GCSE, A level subjects, BTEC and Functional Skills.

Feedback on the summer 2019 exam series is available as a pre-recorded training session.

To help you understand each of the command words, we have some exemplar candidate responses to the Sample Assessment Materials on the qualification page.  The accompanying commentary to each question has been written by a senior examiner.

In addition we have some exemplars taken from the 2019 papers, also with examiner commentaries.

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ResultsPlus is an online results analysis tool that gives you a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance in Pearson Edexcel exams.

ResultsPlus provides detailed analysis of your learners' performance and will help you to identify potential topics, skills and types of questions where students may need to develop their learning further. Whilst there hasn’t been a typical examination series for a while, you may find it helpful to understand how your students’ performance compares with class and Pearson Edexcel national averages and to gather some insight data that may support effective teaching and learning approaches. Find out more about ResultsPlus.

Many centres will be focused on delivering mock exams this term and using those mock exam results to inform intervention and revision. The ResultsPlus Mock analysis service can help you get the most from that data.  

Examiners' reports

Examiners' reports are a useful way of understanding the standard that has been applied. You can see exemplar student answers to each question, with examiner comments and tips. Combining a reading of the examiners' reports with the mark schemes can provide useful insights.

There are extracts from the examiners' reports as they relate to the different command verbs below:

AO1: recall, select and communicate knowledge of economic terms, concepts and issues.

Command words assessed by AO1:

  • Multiple choice questions (1 mark)
  • Define (1 mark)
  • State (1 mark)
  • What is meant by (2 marks)
  • Describe (2 marks)

With the exception of the multiple choice questions, where some are tested by AO2, no other AO is assessed by these question types.

Therefore, for each of these command words, examiners are only looking for students to recall information and/or to communicate knowledge.

There is no requirement for long responses to these types of question.

'Define' questions are only looking for a definition of the term, no further detail is needed. A 'define' question does not require examples, it assesses AO1 which requires candidates to recall knowledge of an economic term.

There are no marks for examples.

Candidates will not score any marks for providing only an example as the question requires a definition.

There is only one mark available for 'state' questions. Candidates are required to recall knowledge of an economic issue and therefore AO1 is tested.

Examiners do not expect candidates to write extensively.

When only one disadvantage is asked for, stating two or three will not result in extra marks but may reduce time available to answer other questions.

You do not need to fully explain your answer for the State question so do not waste time doing this.  One-mark questions require only a short response.

'What is meant by' questions have two marks and require two parts in the explanation of the term. No marks are awarded for examples.  This is an AO1 type of question but this time it is a 2 mark question. Both marks are testing AO1.

Candidates are required to recall knowledge of an economic concept and therefore AO1 is tested throughout the question.

Candidates should practise precise definitions with two parts as these will always score highly.

Candidates should ensure that their answer does have enough development to gain both marks.

It is worth noting that, although there are 6 lines available for the response (2 lines per mark), sufficient detail can be given in just one line to receive both marks. There may be more space than is needed by the student (and this is stated on the front of the exam paper). It is important that students don’t waste time writing more than they need to.

Although 'describe' questions are testing AO1 (both marks are testing AO1), there are no marks for definitions with 'describe' questions.

For 'describe' questions, only one mark can be given for a reason/way/advantage/impact and the second mark is for development.

Only one reason/advantage/way/factor etc. is required for one mark.
The second mark can only come for development of this and not for a list of reasons etc.

There will be a wide range of possible reasons available to choose from so candidates should make sure to select a reason that they are able to fully explain.

AO2: Demonstrate understanding and apply economic knowledge using appropriate terms, concepts, theories and calculations effectively in specific contexts.

Command words assessed by AO2:

  • Multiple choice questions (1 mark)
  • Calculate (2 marks):  candidates apply their answer by using the figures in the question stem. They need to do this to arrive at the correct answer.
  • Draw (3 marks): candidates need to use the information in the question to be able to correctly draw an appropriate economics diagram.
  • Explain (3 marks): questions provide a context which should be used by candidates when responding. This allows answers to apply the economics knowledge rather than just stating economic theory.


  • Analyse (3 of the 6 marks)
  • Assess (3 of the 9 marks)
  • Evaluate (4 of the 12 marks)

‘Analyse’, ‘assess’ and ‘evaluate’ questions have a stem (an extract, diagram, table and/or data) to provide context for the question that follows

‘Analyse’ questions:
“With reference to the data above and your knowledge of economics”, analyse....

‘Assess’ questions:
“With reference to the data above and your knowledge of economics”, assess....

‘Evaluate’ questions:
“With reference to the data above and your knowledge of economics”, evaluate....

78/160 marks assess AO2, so nearly 50% of the qualification assesses Application.

For each of these command words, examiners are only looking for students to demonstrate understanding and apply economic knowledge and/or calculations.

Application marks will not be awarded simply for repeating evidence in the extracts. The evidence needs to be used in the response

Application can either be the:
• use of the data in the question or
• application of the economic concepts

The use of relevant evidence is required throughout and this can be from the extracts provided or using examples provided by the candidates themselves. The extracts are there for a reason: please use them.

Candidates should check their calculations several times to ensure they have correctly inputted the data into their calculator. There are no marks available for the formula but candidates should show their working as 1 mark can be awarded for this if it is correct.

All calculation questions will require the answer given to two decimal places not 1 decimal place.

The correct answer will score 2 marks but it is always better to show workings.

Always show workings because an incorrect answer may still result in one mark if the workings are correct.

Calculate questions require appropriate units to be used in the response. Some candidates receive only one mark for the correct calculation of total costs but not for the final answer if for example a $, £, etc sign is missing.

Units are an important part of the answer so make sure you use the right ones (or none if appropriate, such as when calculating elasticity). Do not ignore the minus sign when calculating elasticity

If the figure is a negative you must ALWAYS show the minus sign, including in the calculation.

Marks are not awarded if the percentage sign is required but missing.

The stem of the question provides the context. By using this context to draw the effects onto the supply and demand diagram, economic knowledge is being applied and therefore assessment objective 2 is being achieved.

1. Shift in a curve and label
2. Label the new equilibrium price
3. Label the new equilibrium quantity

You must label the shift and the new equilibrium price/quantity on the axes to gain all three marks. Correctly labelling will lead to all 3 marks being given; all of which are AO2 marks.

Always label the new curve otherwise you cannot be awarded the mark. Be very clear when drawing your lines. Ambiguity is likely to result in no marks.

Do use a ruler if possible to draw your new curve. It does not matter whether you use a solid or dashed line to illustrate the new equilibrium. Remember the mark for the new curve is not just fordrawing this curve but for the labelling it as well. Arrows will not berewarded in place of a label. Clearly label the new price and quantity on the x and y-axis to gain these marks.  

You will only be asked to move one curve so do not shift multiple curves. Shifting both the demand and the supply curves results in 0 marks. You will only be required to shift one curve.


‘Explain’ questions require students to use the information in the stem to form their response, in order to put the economic knowledge in context.  This shows application (AO2).

There are NO marks for definitions on ‘explain’ questions. They require a reason/benefit etc, development and context. The ‘Explain’ questions will always require a reason/impact/effect otherwise marks cannot be awarded for the remaining marks.

'Explain' questions require a way/advantage/reason which is in context and developed in order to score all three marks. Only one mark is available for the disadvantage/advantage/way/reason, marks two and three are for putting the response in context and for a cause/consequence of the disadvantage.

Ideally try to structure your response so that the reason/impact/effect comes at the beginning of the response as this makes the rest of the explanation follow on much more fluently.

The answer needs to be put in context in order to receive full marks. Make sure your response is in context and relates to the information given in the stem and question. It is only possible to gain context and development marks if a disadvantage (or reason/way/advantage etc) is given.

Only one effect/reason/way can be credited. A second mark is available for putting the response in context and a third for developing the response.

Try to avoid repeating the question as there are no marks for doing this and it uses valuable time that could be spent answering other questions.

Quantitative Skills will be tested throughout the paper. These may be in the form of diagrams/graphs, calculations or using the data in the extracts, to provide the application in the questions.

Quantitative skills will be assessed in both Paper 1 and Paper 2, totalling 10% of the marks available for the qualification. Questions involving quantitative skills will always be in context.

The quantitative skills to be assessed are listed in Appendix 3 of the specification.

All the 6, 9 and 12 mark questions are marked holistically. This means that the quality of the response is more important than the number of impacts given.

For a 6-mark question, for example, a response with one really detailed impact could score all 6 marks whereas a response that lists a series of impacts might only score 1 or 2 marks depending on the quality.

Command word Questions per paper Marks AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4
Analyse 3 6 3 3 -
Assess 2 9 - 3 3 3
Evaluate 1 12 - 4 4 4

Levels-based questions are all based on a context which is provided for the question on each exam paper.

Each of these questions will ask for the response to refer to the data given as well as the student’s knowledge of economics. Therefore, to fully and effectively answer the question, the response must be in context.

This is where the AO2 marks are applied to these types of question.

A generic response which does not ‘refer to the data above’ is not fully and effectively answering the question and therefore will not fully match the descriptors in the tables used in the mark scheme to attain the top level.

The AO3 descriptors are the same in the ‘Analyse’, ‘Assess’ and ‘Evaluate’ mark schemes.

No analysis is required in any other question type.

AO3 means to select, organise and interpret information from sources to investigate and analyse economic issues.

To analyse requires developing points to show cause(s) and/or consequence(s), not a list of separate points.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
  • Information LACKS selectivity and organisation
  • LIMITED interpretation of economic information
  • LACK of analysis of issues
  • Information has SOME selectivity and organisation
  • GOOD interpretation of economic information
  • SOME analysis of issues
  • Information has EXCELLENT selectivity and organisation
  • EXCELLENT interpretation of economic information
  • THOROUGH analysis of issues

For the 6-mark questions, examiners are looking for the quality of the analysis rather than counting the number of advantages. A list of advantages with no development and a lack of analysis is likely to only match the Level 1 descriptor and score a maximum of 2 marks only.

Many candidates start the 'Analyse' questions with a definition of the key economic term in the question and this is not necessary as there are no knowledge marks available.

Analyse questions are marked holistically. This means that the quality of the response is more important than the number of impacts/benefits etc given.

There is no set number of points required on any levels-based question, but each point made needs to be developed to move up through the levels.  A response with one really detailed impact/benefit etc could score all 6 marks whereas a response that lists a series of benefits might only score 1 or 2 marks depending on the quality.

'Analyse' questions require a one-sided argument. There are no marks for evaluation.

Do not present a counter argument as there are no 'AO4' marks. It will therefore leave less time to answer other questions on the paper.

Focus on developing applied points to present a strong analysis of the situation, rather than listing numerous points as this will not lead to the 'thorough analysis of issues' required for level 3 responses.


  • One-sided arguments only are needed for 'analyse' questions.
  • Focus on developing applied points to present a strong analysis of the situation.
  • Focus on developing each applied chain of reasoning, rather than listing several separate points.
  • A list of benefits with no development and a lack of analysis is likely to only match the Level 1 descriptor and score a maximum of 2 marks only.
  • Analyse questions do NOT require a counter argument/evaluation and do NOT require a conclusion.

The following examiners’ reports include examples of candidate answers which scored full marks:

Paper 1 Paper 1R Paper 2 Paper 2R

May 2022;

May 2023;

May 2024

May 2022;

May 2023;

May 2024

May 2022;

May 2023;

May 2024

May 2022;

May 2023

AO4 means to evaluate economic information.

BALANCE is important when answering ‘Assess’ and ‘Evaluate’ questions (a two-sided argument with an equal weighting of developed points for both viewpoints). 
No evaluation is required in any other question type.

The ONLY differences in the descriptors for AO4 on the ‘Assess’ and ‘Evaluate’ mark schemes is a final sentence added to ‘Evaluate’ questions showing the requirement for a conclusion/judgement.

Assess’ questions do NOT require a conclusion or a judgement whereas ‘Evaluate’ questions do.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
  • ONLY ONE viewpoint - UNBALANCED
  • INCOMPLETE evaluation - LIMITED understanding & awareness
  • Evaluation may NOT DEMONSTRATE FULL understanding & awareness
  • Evaluation DEMONSTRATES FULL understanding & awareness

'Assess' questions require a balanced, two-sided argument which is applied to the data presented. There is no requirement for a conclusion or judgement but the analysis and evaluation should be developed, thorough and applied throughout the response.

AO Description
AO2 Demonstrate understanding and apply economic knowledge using appropriate terms, concepts, theories and calculations effectively in specific contexts.
AO3 Select, organise and interpret information from sources to investigate and analyse economic issues.
AO4 The part of AO4 assessed here is the evaluation of the economic information – weighing up factors and comparing them in an economic context.

Assess questions require:

  • Information presented with an analysis of issues
  • Applied economic understanding (use of the data given)
  • A balanced counter argument , again with applied economic understanding.  They do NOT require a conclusion

Assessing the economic issues presented in the question by providing a contextualised two-sided argument, students will be effectively meeting the requirements for these three assessment objectives.

Questions with the command word ‘assess’ do not require a conclusion/judgement. The part of AO4 assessed here is the evaluation of the economic information – weighing up factors and comparing them in an economic context.

Simply copying the extract and chunks will not to lead to high marks. To achieve a high mark, evidence needs to be used.

High level arguments need to use the evidence, rather than repeat it, to present arguments that are applied to the question. If there is data available in graphs and charts it should be used to help contextualise the response.

For evaluation, always evaluate the economic concept in the question first BEFORE considering alternative methods otherwise you are not really evaluating.

The following examiners’ reports include examples of candidate answers which scored full marks:

Paper 1 Paper 1R Paper 2 Paper 2R

May 2022;

May 2023;

May 2024

May 2022;


May 2023;

May 2024

May 2022;

May 2024


AO Description
AO2 Demonstrate understanding and apply economic knowledge using appropriate terms, concepts, theories and calculations effectively in specific contexts.
AO3 Select, organise and interpret information from sources to investigate and analyse economic issues.
AO4 Evaluate economic information to make reasoned judgements and draw conclusions.

Evaluate questions require:

  • One or more chain(s) of reasoning to be used to present information with an analysis of issues
  • Applied economic understanding (use of the data given)
  • A balanced counter argument, again with applied economic understanding
  • A conclusion/supported judgement

This means that in addition to giving a balanced, two-sided, contextualised argument with chains of reasoning, as with an ‘assess’ type question, students need to provide a judgement/supported conclusion as well.

Candidates should ensure they have plenty of time to answer the 12-mark question. Often, candidates leave this to last minute and end up rushing this question when it represents a large percentage of the total marks available.

This question has the most marks on the examination paper and always discriminates between the candidates who can accurately use economic concepts to evaluate a course of action and those that approach the question from a 'common sense' approach and simply copy out the extract.

The command word 'evaluate' requires a two-sided argument in order to achieve full marks. The 'evaluate' question also requires a judgement/conclusion.

It is important to note that to access the higher marks, candidates must evaluate the economic concept in the question set before suggesting alternative methods otherwise this just becomes a list of methods, rather than an evaluation of the area being examined. Alternative methods are not required to access Level 4 and full marks can be achieved by only evaluating the economic concept in the question.

For the conclusion, do not just repeat earlier points but consider what it depends on or how effective a course of action will be.

There are more than enough lines for a response to achieve full marks and it is quality of the evaluation not quantity, that is necessary to achieve Level 3.

A supported judgement or conclusion is required for top, level 3 responses in 'evaluate' questions.

The following examiners’ reports include examples of candidate answers which scored full marks:

Paper 1 Paper 1R Paper 2 Paper 2R

May 2022;


May 2022;

May 2024


May 2024

May 2022;

May 2024


Grade boundaries 

Grade boundaries

A grade boundary is the minimum mark at which a numbered grade (between 9 and 1) can be achieved.

International GCSE (9-1) qualifications are linear, and only the maximum mark and grade boundaries for the overall qualification are available in this table. These are given in raw marks.

Notional grade boundaries

Paper 1 and Paper 2 each have a raw mark out of 80. Grade boundaries are set at qualification level (adding together the raw marks for Papers 1 and 2) and not for each paper. However for teachers, the notional component grade boundaries can be a useful indicator of performance when papers are used in the future for mocks.

    Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
May 2019 4EC1 160 108 99 90 82 75 68 57 46 36 0
Jan 2020 4EC1 160 111 99 88 80 73 66 55 45 35 0
Nov 2020 4EC1 160 97 84 72 59 46 34 30 34 23 0
Nov 2021 4EC1 160 92 80 68 57 46 35 28 22 16 0
May 2022 4EC1 160 107 95 84 74 64 55 46 37 28 0
Jan 2023 4EC1 160 107 95 84 74 64 55 46 37 28 0
May 2023 4EC1 160 121 110 100 92 84 77 66 55 45 0
Nov 2023 4 EC1 160 121 110 100 92 84 77 66 55 45 0
May 2024 4EC1 160 113 102 92 84 76 69 58 47 36 0
    Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
 May 2019 4EC1R 160 106 98 90 83 76 70 58 47 36 0
 Jan 2020 4EC1R 160 110 100 90 83 77 71 59 47 35 0
 Nov 2020 4EC1R 160 98 90 82 71 61 51 42 26 26 0
 May 2022 4EC1R 160 115 102 90 78 66 54 41 28 16 0
 Jan 2023 4EC1R 160 107 95 84 74 64
46 37 28 0
May 2023  4EC1R 160 114 102 90 82 74 66 53 40 27 0
May 2024 4 EC1R 160 114 102 90 82 75 68 56 44 33 0
    Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
May 2019 Paper 1 80 54
Jan 2020 Paper 1 80 55 49 44 40 37 34 28 23 18 0
Nov 2020 Paper 1 80 49 42 36 29 23 17 15 13 12
Nov 2021 Paper 1 80 46 40 34 28 22 17 14 11 8 0
May 2022 Paper 1 80 55 49 43 38 33 28 23 18 14 0
Jan 2023 Paper 1 80 55 49 43 38 33 28 23 18 14 0
May 2023 Paper 1 80 61 56 51 47 43 40 35 30 25 0
Nov 2023 Paper 1 80 61 56 51 47 43 40 35 30 25 0
May 2024 Paper 1 80 58 52 46 42 38 34 28 23 18 0
      Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
  Constant UMS 90 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9 0
May 2024 Paper 1 Raw 80 59 53 47 42 38 34 28 23 18 0
    Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
 May 2019 Paper 1R 80 54 49 45 42 39 36 30 25 20 0
 Jan 2020 Paper 1R 80 57 51 46 42 39 36 30 24 18 0
 Nov 2020 Paper 1R 80 49 45 41 36 31 26 22 18 14 0
May 2022  Paper 1R 80 56 50 44 37 31 25 19 13 8 0
 Jan 2023 Paper 1R 80 55 49 43 38 33 28 23 18 14 0
 May 2023 Paper 1R 80 58 52 46 41 37 33 26 20 14 0
May 2024 Paper 1R 80 57 50 44 41 39 37 30 23 17 0
      Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
  Constant UMS 90 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9 0
May 2024 Paper 1 Raw 80 56 49 42 39 37 35 29 23 18 0
    Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
 May 2019 Paper 2 80 54
 Jan 2020 Paper 2 80 55 49 44 40 36 32 27 22 17 0
 Nov 2020 Paper 2 80 48
Nov 2021 Paper 2 80 46 40 34 28 23 18 14 11 8 0
May 2022 Paper 2 80 52 46 41 36 31 27 22 18 14 0
Jan 2023 Paper 2 80 52 46 41 36 31 27 22 18 14 0
May 2023 Paper 2 80 60 54 49 45 41 37 31 25 20 0
Nov 2023 Paper 2 80 60 54 49 45 41 37 31 25 20 0
May 2024 Paper 2 80 55 50 46 42 38 35 29 23 18 0
    Max Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
 May 2019 Paper 2R 80 54 49 45 41 37 34 28 22 16 0
 Jan 2020 Paper 2R 80 59 49 44 41 38 35 29 23 17 0
 Nov 2020 Paper 2R 80 49 45 41 35 30 25 20 16 12 0
 May 2022 Paper 2R 80 59 52 46 40 34 29 22 15 8 0
 Jan 2023 Paper 2R 80 52 46 41 36 31 27 22 18 14 0
 May 2023 Paper 2R 80 56 50 44 40 36 33 26 19 13 0
May 2024 Paper 2R 80 57 51 46 41 36 31 26 21 16 0

Grade statistics

Grade statistics are reported separately for UK and overseas centres. They show:

  • the total number of candidates
  • the cumulative percentage of candidates at each grade boundary as a percentage of the total cohort
  • provisional grade statistics indicated by *
4EC1 Number of candidates 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
May 2019 5469
Jan 2020 477 4.2% 10.5% 20.1% 29.8% 38.8% 46.5% 64.2% 75.7% 87.8% 100%
May 2020 4908 23.4% 41.2% 58.1% 71.5% 82.1% 89.6% 94.6% 97% 98.4% 100%
Nov 2020 727 16.2% 28.1% 41% 55.3% 69.1% 79.8% 82.5% 87.3% 89.5% 100%
May 2021 6149 31% 49.3% 65.8% 77.2% 85.8% 91.6% 94.9% 96.6% 98% 100%
Nov 2021 542 24.5% 38.9% 56.1% 67.5% 75.8% 86.5% 90.6% 93.7% 96.3% 100%
May 2022 6496 19% 35.4% 49.8% 61.6% 72.1% 80.1% 86.2% 91.1% 95.1% 100%
Jan 2023 613 9.8% 19.6% 31.3% 45.2% 57.7% 69.8% 78.1% 85% 91.2% 100%
May 2023 7110 9.2% 20.8% 35.9% 46.4% 56.6% 64.9% 75.3% 83.5% 89.9% 100%
Nov 2023* 697 4.7% 11% 19.5% 27.5% 36.4% 43.2% 58.4% 70.6% 78.6% 100%
May 2024* 8710 9.5% 21.8% 36.6% 47.8% 57.5% 65.4% 76.1% 84.2% 89.6% 100%
4EC1 Number of candidates 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
May 2019 530
Jan 2020 16
0% 12.5% 12.5% 25% 31.3% 37.5% 56.3% 68.8% 81.3% 100%
May 2020 564 28% 50.9% 71.5% 85.8% 92.2% 98.2% 99.6% 99.8% 99.8% 100%
Nov 2020 15
46.7% 66.7% 86.7% 86.7% 93.3% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
May 2021 570 41.2% 60% 75.1% 86.3% 91.9% 96% 97.7% 99.1% 99.6% 100%
Nov 2021 12 25% 50% 58.3% 75% 83.3% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
May 2022 591 34% 55.7% 69.7% 81.9% 89.3% 92.7% 95.6% 97.5% 98.6% 100%
May 2023 610 15.6% 31.5% 46.9% 59.5% 70.5% 78.5% 87.4% 92.3% 95.9% 100%
Nov 2023* 19 15.8% 15.8% 26.3% 36.8% 52.6% 63.2% 84.2% 89.5% 94.7% 100%
May 2024* 661 17.2% 36.9% 54.8% 67.6% 75.3% 80.5% 89% 94.3% 96.8% 100%

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