Art, Design and Media | Pearson qualifications

Art, Design and Media

Subject update | 19 February 2024

Art, Design and Media February update

Welcome to the February update from your Subject Advisor.  

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I hope you have all had a good start to the new year and that you have been able to work towards the Summer 2024 assessment series with success. As the school year progresses, remember to take time for yourself and enjoy the breaks when they come. 

A lot is happening at Pearson in terms of resources and support so I hope you find these updates valuable. I will continue to highlight key developments and information as well as wider curriculum opportunities. In addition, we always welcome feedback on how we can continue to improve our qualifications for teachers and learners so please do not hesitate to get in touch with any recommendations.

Now for some important updates. Click on the link to your sector to read relevant updates for your qualification(s):

  • GCSE Art and Design
  • International GCSE Art and Design
  • A Level Art and Design
  • A Level History of Art
  • BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Awards
  • BTEC Level 3 Nationals
  • International BTECs
  • BTEC Higher Nationals
  • T Levels

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  Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.


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Art of Fiction

Contribute a patch and your story to the University of Exeter research project 'The Art of Fiction' which is exploring how judgements of literary, aesthetic, and professional value affect women’s creative identities.

Find out more about the project 


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V&A Innovate

V&A Innovate is an annual National Schools Challenge, asking students in years 7, 8 and 9 to work in teams of 4 – 6 to design a solution to a real-world problem.

Learn more and register to take part 


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V&A Mused

Mused is a place for young people to have fun with all things art, design, fashion, music and gaming. Absolutely everything on Mused is age appropriate and created with – and for – young people. 

Check out the V&A Mused resources 


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AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions is a non-profit Association specialising in women artists and has a fantastic database of artists you could use to diversify your curriculum.

Search for artists on AWARE 


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Toon Boom Animation

Delivering animation through our qualifications? Check out Toon Boom Animation's Storyboard Pro and Harmony software. The world’s largest 2D animation studios choose Toon Boom to bring their TV series and feature films from ideation to screen.

Find out more about Toon Boom Animation 


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CreateBritain brings together every aspect of British Design and Creativity and is an excellent resource for qualifications with professional practice as part of the content (ie. Level 3 - Level 5).

Find out more about CREATEBritain 

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Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 


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