New apprenticeships Systems Engineer (L7)
About the role
Systems Engineers focus on solving some of the most complex engineering challenges. They do this by collecting and organising all the information needed to understand the whole problem, exploring it from all angles, and then finding the most appropriate solution.
A Systems Engineer might typically work in either the problem definition or solution provider environments, mapping out the requirements for a complex system and defining architectures for different potential solutions, reflecting all influences across the system lifecycle; and then testing and accepting the designed solutions.
On this page
In order to meet the apprenticeship standards, apprentices must:
- Complete a Post Graduate Diploma in Systems Engineering (120 credits at level 7) or equivalent
- Achieve a minimum of Level 2 English and Level 2 maths
As both a vocational and academic awarding organisation, we can offer a wide range of English and maths qualifications in line with your standards’ requirements from Functional Skills through to GCSEs.
Learning resources
English and maths resources
We have a wide range of resources and useful tools to complement your programme, including assessment tools, podcasts and training events.
End-point assessment
As an ESFA-approved Assessment Organisation, we provide a full range of assessment services, resources and support from our experienced EPA team to equip you and your learners with the diverse requirements of the apprenticeship standards.
You can use Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation, regardless of whether you choose to use our on-programme offer or not.
EPA specification changes
From 1 January 2022, all apprentices will be assessed under the new specification and assessment requirements, following changes agreed by NASR, the EQA body.
Any apprentices taking their assessment prior to 31 December 2021 should remain on the previous version of the specification:
The end-point assessment is made up of three components:
Portfolio of evidence review
This will be assessed by the panel
Each apprentice will be asked to prepare a VIVA presentation. The subject of the presentation can be selected by the apprentice but the content must reflect practitioner level understanding in that area. Typically this presentation will be based upon work competed and captured in the apprentice’s portfolio of evidence.
The following to be included if relevant. The VIVA presentation is expected to be 20 to 30 minutes long followed by up to 30 minutes of questioning from the assessment panel. Assessment will be made on quality, clarity and the demonstration of using systems engineering principles, processes and methods and a systems approach in the workplace.
The purpose of the presentation is to:
- Convince and give confidence to the panel that all necessary competencies have been obtained (by demonstrating and talking about a sample selection),
- Probe the knowledge of the apprentice in a particular area,
- Probe the apprentice’s general systems engineering understanding and application.
The interview is a structured discussion between the apprentice and the assessment panel. It will focus on the portfolio of evidence the apprentice has submitted and the content of the VIVA presentation. It will cover what the apprentice has done (and the competencies gained) and how they have approached what they have done.
The following to be included if relevant. This enables this assessment to cover a broad range of knowledge, skills and behaviours prescribed in the standard, particularly the apprentice’s domain understanding and specialist skills and understanding.
The purpose of the interview is to:
- Clarify any questions the panel has around the evidence portfolio.
- Confirm and validate the judgements about the quality of the work complete.
- Confirm that the portfolio of evidence is the apprentices own work.
- Confirm the apprentice understands what has been written and can defend it verbally.
- Explore particular areas of the work, including how it was carried out and what was done in more detail.
- Provide a basis for each assessor to make a holistic decision about the grade to be awarded.
The overall grading of the apprenticeship is Pass. The apprentice must pass all three components to pass the apprenticeship.
The end-point assessment is made up of two components:
Project Report, Presentation, and Questioning
This assessment method has three components: report, presentation and questioning.
Apprentices must produce a report, prepare and present a presentation and undertake questioning in relation to a work-based project. The work-based project will be completed during the on-programme period; report and presentation production must take place post-gateway.
The evidence from the report, presentation and questioning components must be assessed holistically against the KSBs assigned to this assessment method by an Independent End-point Assessor (IEA) who will determine the grade, using the specified grading criteria.
The rationale for this assessment method is:
- a work-based project enables demonstration of practitioner abilities in a real setting,
- and also has business benefits
- end-to-end knowledge of systems development will be tested
- systemic and systematic thinking must be demonstrated practically
- presentation and questioning components enable the checking of underpinning knowledge and aspects not covered in sufficient depth in the report.
Professional Discussion, underpinned by Portfolio of Evidence
The evidence from the Professional Discussion must be assessed against the KSBs assigned to this assessment method, by an Independent End-point Assessor (IEA) who will determine the grade, using the specified grading criteria.
The rationale for this assessment method is:
- that it enables the apprentice to demonstrate the application of KSBs tailored to their workplace domain
- using the Portfolio of Evidence, the apprentice can discuss evidence from several projects if not all KSBs have been addressed in a single project
- that it enables domain-specific aspects of systems engineering to be assessed effectively.
The overall grading of the apprenticeship is Pass/Distinction. The apprentice must pass both components to pass the apprenticeship.
Our range of EPA resources such as EPA specification, additional resources document and practice knowledge test are designed to enhance learners’ knowledge and/or hone essential skills required.
They are available to our customers who have signed up to Pearson EPA and include information on:
- Structure
- Grading
- Gateway requirements
- Assessment content
- Evidence requirement for each component
We have designed a step-by-step guide, with signposts to our key supporting information, resources and services available at every stage of the process.