New apprenticeships Dual Fuel Smart Meter Installer (L2)
About the role
Dual Fuel Smart Meter Installers provide vital skills for the metering industry and form a key part of the Smart Government mandate to reduce carbon emissions and improve energy management. Smart Meter Installers are responsible for the safe installation, exchange, and commissioning, decommissioning and ongoing maintenance of smart meters. This includes providing a high level of customer service and giving customers information and advice on energy efficiency.
On this page
We provide a clear learning programme to take apprentices from entry through to the gateway for end-point assessment.
You can use our on-programme offer regardless of whether you are using Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation or not.
In order to meet the apprenticeship standards apprentices must achieve:
- Portfolio of workplace activities and short reflections
- Registration on the Gas Safe® Register and Meter Operators Code of Practice Agreement (MOCoPA).
As both a vocational and academic awarding organisation, we can offer a wide range of English and maths qualifications in line with your standards’ requirements from Functional Skills through to GCSEs.
English and maths resources
We have a wide range of resources and useful tools to complement your programme, including assessment tools, podcasts and training events.
End-point assessment
As an ESFA-approved Assessment Organisation, we provide a full range of assessment services, resources and support from our experienced EPA team to equip you and your learners with the diverse requirements of the apprenticeship standards.
You can use Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation, regardless of whether you choose to use our on-programme offer or not.
For more information please contact Customer Services Team on 0844 576 0045 or
The end-point assessment is made up of two components:
The Portfolio will start to be compiled during the apprenticeship and includes records and observations of workplace performance. It will also include the mandatory gas safe registration certificate and achievement of the meter operators code of practice agreement. A separate, final work observation, to be included in the portfolio, will take place during the time of end-point assessment (after a 12-month period). In this final observation the apprentice will be observed carrying out a smart meter installation, exchange, commission and decommission to industry standards.
Information in the apprentice’s portfolio may then be used to support the interview, which will take place using standardised questions to judge achievement against the skills, knowledge and behaviours of the standard.
Employer Technical experts, approved to operate as independent end-point assessors by Pearson, will make initial assessment judgments. This process is standardised and quality assured, by Pearson.
Based on the portfolio and the end point interview scores, the assessors will then award a preliminary fail, pass or distinction grade and provide a short written justification for the grading decision. This will then be moderated and the final grade confirmed, by Pearson.
Our range of EPA resources such as EPA specification, additional resources document and practice knowledge test are designed to enhance learners’ knowledge and/or hone essential skills required.
They are available to our customers who have signed up to Pearson EPA and include information on:
- Structure
- Grading
- Gateway requirements
- Assessment content
- Evidence requirement for each component
We have designed a step-by-step guide, with signposts to our key supporting information, resources and services available at every stage of the process.