New apprenticeships Civil Engineering Technician
About the role
This apprenticeship will typically take up to 36 months and is aimed at technicians who provide technical support to engineers in the design, development, construction, comissioning, decomissioning, operation or maintenance of the built environment and infrastructure.
Duties include assisting in design of technical solutions, analysis using software systems to solve porblems, contributing to overall civil engineering project delivery, operating quality systems and health and safety and risk management procedures and checking specific technical aspects of activities on site.
On this page
We provide a clear learning programme to take apprentices from entry through to the gateway for end-point assessment.
You can use our on-programme offer regardless of whether you are using Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation or not
In order to meet the apprenticeship standard, apprentices will be required to hold or achieve:
- A minimum of Level 2 English
- A minimum of Level 2 maths
There are existing optional qualifications that have been mapped to show coverage of the apprenticeship standard.
As both a vocational and academic awarding organisation, we can offer a wide range of English and maths qualifications in line with your standards’ requirements from Functional Skills through to GCSEs.
Learning resources
English and maths resources
We have a wide range of resources and useful tools to complement your programme, including assessment tools, podcasts and training events.