Project Qualification Case studies

Our case studies section provides inspiration for schools interested in learning more about the potential for project qualifications.
The flexibility and control of the qualification to fit within and around your wider school curriculum provides educators with an immensely powerful framework that leads to a formally assessed qualification experience for learners. Whilst we grow the range of case studies available to review, download from and adapt to your own needs, here are some common applications for PQs that centres take for level 1, 2 or 3 learners.
- Developing a bespoke programme of study with unique course content outside of existing qualification choices- Use a level 1 or 2 qualification to create a formal assessment experience for younger learners prior to GCSE or BTEC linear assessments or NEA
- Accredit the work of students who are committed to extra-curricular clubs, regional or national competitions, or self directed projects- Help learners who find existing qualifications difficult to access, through adapted course content and assessment
- Early completion of the Level 3 EPQ to aid sixth form age students with their application to HE, Vocational pathways or to employment