Assessment and submission guidance

On this page you will find the key information needed to will help you with the teaching, assessment and submission for either the Foundation Project (P101) or the Higher Project (P201). 

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Both qualifications are designed as a flexible and accessible framework to create a formal assessment experience for unique programmes of study or bespoke courses that schools want to deliver, or as a complement and expansion to the schools curriculum offer, and is currently being used by UK and International schools with students aged 13-14 (UK Year 9 typically sat within KS3) and 14-16 (UK Year 10 and 11 known as KS4). Schools that implement earlier commencement of KS4 qualifications have introduced a project qualification (PQ) in order to introduce a formal assessment experience to the first year of their KS4 programme, whilst students who are unable to access the full suite of qualifications at KS4, or particular qualifications within KS4, have used a PQ to ensure their students complete a formal qualification built around a bespoke curriculum for those students. 

Key information that you need to know:

  • Both levels of qualification act as an exciting and motivating method of study to help students to build their transferable skill profile to progress across all their studies.
  • Both levels of qualifications attract a recommended 60 guided learning hours (GLHs).
  • Both qualifications allow students to explore a topic of their choice that does not have to be linked to studies in school and can, therefore, be very engaging and valued for a wide range of students.
  • Both levels of qualification support students in achieving a variety of outcomes such as carrying out a performance, making an artefact or investigating a research question.
  • The qualifications can be; taught/mentored in after school clubs; used as targeted enrichment for gifted and talented students to achieve extra qualifications; or for students who find some mainstream curriculum topics challenging but benefit from studying topics of individual interest to them.
  • Our Foundation project qualification (FPQ) is graded as follows:

            Grade A* equivalent to a grade 3 at GCSE

            Grade A equivalent to a grade 2 at  GCSE

            Grade B equivalent to a grade 1-2 at GCSE

            Grade U equivalent to grade U at GCSE.

  • Our Higher project qualification (HPQ) is graded as follows:

            Grade A* equivalent to a grade 9 at GCSE

            Grade A equivalent to a grade 7 at GCSE

            Grade B equivalent to a grade 5 or 6 at GCSE

            Grade C equivalent to a grade 4 at GCSE

            Grade U equivalent to a grade U at GCSE