International GCSE Art and Design (2017) Training and events

Here you can access past training event recordings and bitesize videos to support the delivery of International GCSE Art and Design.
Bitesize videos
Our bitesize videos provide short and accessible support relating to frequently asked questions in the International GCSE Art and Design specification, including evidencing and assessing different assessment objectives, selecting work and written annotation.

International GCSE Art and Design – Drawing in Graphic Communication

International GCSE Art and Design – Evidencing the AOs holistically

International GCSE Art and Design – Evidencing AO1
Past training content and network events
A selection of pre-recorded training and live recordings from our regular series of Art and Design Network events can be found on our ‘Art and Design Training and Network Events’ playlist.
Please visit our on-demand training page where you will be able to find pre-recorded training and downloadable materials to support your delivery of Component 1 and 2 of the qualification.
Find on-demand training for International GCSE Art and Design
Discover past training content for GCSE Art and Design
Professional Development Academy
Our Professional Development Academy provides access to a wide range of high-quality training courses to support you in delivering the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Art and Design qualification with confidence.
We have a range of face-to-face, live online, on-demand, and self-guided courses available, creating flexible learning options at a time and place that suits you.
To browse our extensive range of training events and courses, visit the Professional Development Academy.