ESOL COVID-19 support
Response to joint DfE and Ofqual consultation outcome
Last updated 25 February 2021
Now that the DfE and Ofqual have announced the arrangements for issuing results this year for Ofqual-regulated Vocational and Technical Qualifications, we are confirming with you, our valued teaching colleagues, how Pearson’s qualifications will be assessed and graded this year, in this message.
We are continually updating this ESOL COVID-19 support page with the latest information as it becomes available, please check back regularly for latest updates.

Supporting ESOL providers through COVID-19
We are bringing together resources and information to support your delivery, assessment and certification of ESOL to enable your learners to continue their progress in life and work. We are working with Ofqual to develop the fairest and most effective alternative arrangements for the assessment of Functional Skills.
ESOL will offer a Teacher Assessed Grade (TAG) option, as a last resort, where a centre can demonstrate it is not possible to live test individual learners, who are assessment ready, for safety reason. This sets out the approach for all ESOL Awards and Certificates from Entry 1 to Level 2.
We are allowing Speaking and Listening assessments to be conducted remotely using appropriate technologies. All remote assessments must be recorded and a Pearson Standards Verifier may ask to attend a live assessment as part of our monitoring activities.
We have published additional guidance on our website for all levels (PDF, 0.1 MB).
If your learners need to access tests and our current adaptations do not cover your needs, please contact us and we can explore any viable alternative solutions.