• Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship Standard Level 2
  • Lead Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship Standard Level 3

Dear Colleagues

As requested by Skills for Care, we recently communicated with you on 2nd February, to provide you with an update on the above named standards, and the measure they asked Awarding Organisations to put in place.  This was to ensure that you could register your learners whilst awaiting the revisions to the standard and assessment plan that was pending approval by the IfA.

On 5th February we received the following communication from the Care Apprenticeship Board who are responsible for the implementation of the new standards:

The IfA have just published the revised L2 and 3 standards and assessment plans. We know it has been a confusing time for learning providers and awarding organisations who have been trying to find a way around the delayed sign-off by IfA but hopefully this will now settle down the market. We will communicate broadly with employers and suppliers.

The Level 2 (updated) Adult Care Worker Standard and Assessment plan is here

The Level 3 (updated) Lead Adult Care Worker Standard and Assessment plan is here

Please make sure you familiarise yourself with these amendments.

What does this now mean for you?

From the 6th February 2018, any learners who commence the Adult Care Worker and Lead Adult Care Worker apprenticeship must be registered against the new RQF Diploma’s

Level 2 Diploma in Care (QAN : 603/2762/5)
Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (QAN : 603/2764/9)

These qualifications are available for you to register learners against on our systems as standalone qualifications or as an apprenticeship bundle. If you require further support to register learners or for guidance on applying bundles to the remit for your centre, please contact our Account Specialist team.

Prior to the 6th February 2018, the Adult Care Worker and Lead Adult Care Worker standards named the following qualifications, respectively, as mandatory:

Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QAN : 501/1699/X)
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QAN : 501/1607/1)

If you have a learner that commenced either apprenticeship standard before 6th February 2018, you will need to register the learner to the relevant Diploma qualifications that were reinstated by us. These qualifications are available for you to register learners against on our systems as standalone qualifications only and therefore you will need to make registrations to Functional Skills separately (MAS/bundle codes are not available).

We will hold these qualifications open for 4 months (until 31 May 2018) to allow you to register learners who you have commenced on these standards up to and including 5 February 2018. Do not register learners who commenced the apprenticeship standard after the 6th February to the above named qualifications - they will need to be registered to the new RQF qualification.

Please note that this revised last date for registration supersedes the previous information provided to you on the 2nd February 2018, which we were asked to provide to you by Skills for Care.

SASE Frameworks

The SASE frameworks for Health & Social Care (England), Intermediate and Advanced (FR04065) remain closed. All MAS code bundles are also closed for registration.

RQF Adult Care Diploma’s

Our new Adult Care RQF Diploma’s are now approved by Skills for Care see here


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