BTEC Level 2 in Sport: Guidance on external assessment | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Level 2 in Sport: Guidance on external assessment

Fri Aug 08 09:45:00 UTC 2014

There are 2 externally assessed units in the NQF Level 2 BTEC Firsts in Sport.

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These 2 units are:

Unit Title Test
Unit 1 Fitness for Sport and Exercise (Award, Certificate, Extended Certificate, Diploma) On-demand, onscreen test
Unit 7 Anatomy and Physiology for Sports Performance (Certificate, Extended Certificate, Diploma) On-demand, onscreen test

Unit 1 and Unit 7 entries

Entry deadline Test bookings should be made in advance of the test being sat. Test bookings can be made with 4 hours notice.
Entry fee There are no late fees as onscreen on demand tests do not require the same logistical administration (question paper printing, dispatch, etc.). Re-sits are charged at £14.10 per unit.
Late fee There are no late fees as onscreen on demand tests do not require the same logistical administration (question paper printing, dispatch, etc.). Re-sits are charged at £14.10 per unit.
Re-sits Learners may retake Unit 1 and/or Unit 7 as soon as they have their results from the previous test. The better result will count in all cases.
Absence There's no limit to the number of times a learner may re-sit an external assessment other than the time constraint imposed by the length of the programme of study. If a booking is made for a learner who doesn't attend the test (they are marked as absent) there is no re-sit charge made to the centre.

Unit 1 and Unit 7 results

Results Results are issued within 56 days of the test being taken.
Marks and Grades Learners take a test from a bank of tests which do not all have the same grade boundaries.  It is possible, therefore, for two learners to have the same mark but a different grade.
Grade boundaries The grade boundaries from the first retired tests for Unit 1 and Unit 7 can be found in the Examiner Report on the qualification page. Read more about our grade boundaries.
Retired tests Materials from the retired tests are on the BTEC Level 2 in Sport qualification page.
Access to scripts Not available for on-demand tests
Enquiry about results A clerical check and a re-mark are available as part of our Enquiry about results (EAR) service.

Unit 1 and Unit 7 grading and compensation

Grade points for each 30 glh unit


Level 1 Pass

L2 Pass L2 Merit L2 Distinction
0 6 12 18 24

Level 2 award points thresholds

  Level 1 Pass Level 2 Pass Merit
Core units (unit 1 and 2)
Min 12 points Min 24 Points Min 24 points Min 24 points
Min 24 points
Core + optional units 24 points overall 48 points overall 66 points overall 84 points overall 90 points overall

What happens if a learner achieves an Unclassified or a Level 1 Pass in Unit 1?

Unit 1 achievement Unit 2 grade Unit 2 points
Implications for qualification grade
Unclassified - 0 points U or L1P
0 or 6 points
The learner will not receive a grade.
Unclassified - 0 points L2P or M
12 or 18 points The learner will be eligible for a Level 1 Pass if 24 points are achieved overall.
Unclassified - 0 points D 24 points
The learner will be eligible for a Level 2 Pass if 48 points are achieved overall.
Level 1 Pass - 6 points U 0 The learner will not achieve a grade
Level 1 Pass - 6 points L1P or L2P
6 or 12 points
The learner will be eligible for a Level 1 Pass if 24 points are achieved overall.
Level 1 Pass - 6 points M or D
18 or 24 points The learner will be eligible for a Level 2 Pass if 48 points are achieved overall.

Level 2 certificate points thresholds

  L1P L2PP L2 MP
Core units (1 and 2) Min 12 points Min 24 points
Min 24 points
Min 24 points
Core + optional units 48 points overall 96 points overall 114 points overall 132 points overall
  L2 DM
Core units (1 and 2) Min 24 points 
Min 24 points 
Min 24 points 
Min 24 points 
Core + optional units 150 points overall 168 points overall 174 points overall 180 points overall

Grade calculator

Find out how to calculate grades for the next generation BTEC Firsts Award and Certificate sizes with our new grade calculator.

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