Edexcel CiDADiDA: Results day 2019 update
Read the latest news for Edexcel CiDA/DiDA. This will include information for results day, key dates and the latest information.
Pearson Support Portal
We recently launched the Pearson Support Portal. This is the new way to contact us if you have any questions about any of our products or services.
To use the new portal you will need to log in using your Edexcel online log in details, after which you will be able to contact us directly and:
- open a support case and submit queries directly to us
- receive email responses from us (these emails will be sent from customersupport.reply@pearson.com - so please be sure to add that to your trusted email list)
- securely track progress and view all your cases and related correspondence.
Our support portal also offers access to a large knowledgebase of features, content and answers to FAQs that we hope you will find useful, including:
- popular topics
- popular products
- trending articles.
Access the Pearson Support Portal
To help you explore the new portal we have created a User Guide, that you can download and view.
Access the Pearson Support Portal guide
As part of the portal there are new, public subject communities, where you can ask questions, share ideas, network and read frequently asked questions. Although you will be able to see all posts without logging in, you will need to log in with your Edexcel online details to post a comment.
Access and join the Computing and ICT community
Results and post results services
The question papers from this summer's assessments will be online and available to download from 2 July and the mark schemes will be available online from 23 July.
Results will be released to centres on 21 August with results released to candidates on 22 August.
ResultsPlus is a free online results analysis tool for teachers that gives you a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance in Edexcel exams. It provides the most detailed analysis available of your students’ performance and helps you to identify topics and skills where your students could benefit from further learning, helping them gain a deeper understanding of their subject.
However ResultsPlus cannot provide cohort level CiDA/DiDA analysis - but only student by student. If you have large cohorts contact me directly and I will arrange for cohort level data to be released securely to your Exams Officer. The video below will help you to get analysis data for CiDA and DiDA.
Principal Moderator/Examiner Report
The Principal Moderator or Examiner also compiles a report on how candidates performed in this year’s examinations. It provides general feedback and highlights good approaches that can be taken forward to future examination series.
You can find these reports on ResultsPlus. Please speak to your examinations officer if you don't have access to ResultsPlus.
Watch our short video on how to find the Principal Moderator/Examiner Report.
Access to scripts
For CiDA/DiDA externally assessed components centres will have to request scripts via the Post Results section of Edexcel Online, the student work will still be at the centre in the form of a copy of the removable media and the returned 'script' will only have the stage by stage marks awarded to each student.
These scripts will be free of charge, but the final dates to request them are the same as the published JCQ Access to Scripts deadlines.
Visit the Access to scripts pages
Review of marking and moderation (RoMM)
If you're a centre with a concern about a student's results, you can use our post-results services. We have details about these services and their cost online.
Post results fees
Details of all updated fees for our post results services from 1 August 2019 can be found online.
See Post results fees from 1 August 2019
Understanding marks
Get an overview of how we mark assessments and consistently award grades that fairly reflect a learner's performance. This includes setting grade boundaries.
Visit the Understanding marks pages
Key dates
Date | Event |
21 August 2019 | Results available to centres through Edexcel Online |
22 August 2019 | Results released to candidates |
29 August 2019 | RoMM Service P2 deadline |
1 September 2019 | Briefs for 1MU0/02 released online for assessment in summer 2020 |
19 September 2019 | RoMM Service 1, RoMM Service 2 and RoMM Service 3 deadline |
19 September 2019 | Access To Scripts Post Review of Marking (ATSPE) deadline |
26 September 2019 | Access To Scripts Original (ATSO) deadline |
13 December 2019 | Access To Scripts Copy (ATSC) deadline |