BTEC Nationals March Update
We are approaching results dates for Jan/Feb external assessments, and we are also looking to assessment windows in May/June and of course this summers certifications. So I will rpesent useful news for these below.
It is also imperative that we communicate teh latest news regarding the whole Level 3 reforms and the implications on this reform for your delivery and choice going forward.
Please select the title below to focus on the information you want.
The Level 3 reforms will impact on what is funded and what can be delivered in all English Schools and Colleges. the link below will remain our single point of truth for this program, and our place in it, and how it will impact upon you.
For information about how you can get invloved in the campaign to protect Student choice see the link below:
Results day is 22 March 2023 (restricted) and 23 March 2023 (candidates)
The January session question papers and assets can be found now
BTEC Nationals IT - under the January 2023 heading
BTEC Nationals Computing - under the January 2023 heading
Examiners Reports, and Mark Schemes (where applicable) will be published after results.
You can find external unit Raw mark to Points mapping by using the tool below which will be updated on results day so you can do analysis on each students performance. Results Plus is also available for externally assessed BTEC Nationals Units.
If you need to seek further help and for our full Post Results Services please see the webpage below:
Entry deadline for Jun 2023 externally assessed units is 23 March 2023.
However learners who sat BTEC assessments in the January 2023 series can be re-entered for June exams after January results have been issued, and no late fees will be charged. The entry deadline for these learners is 31 March.
All Standards Verifiers (SV) should now have been allocated you can check using Edexcel Online (EOL) you will need an EOL account.
You are always best advised to contact your SV early so that you can discuss your Assessment plan and sample requirements.
Subject advisor
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor